You know I have a lot of pets in RL, and in my opinion no house is complete without 'em. So here you go; this is the pet room to/for my virtual house. That litte guy flying around up there is Azzy, Zamer's little brother. If you don't see him yet, wait a couple of secs. He's probably flying around somewhere else in my virtual house; ever the explorer and talented escape artist he remains incontent to stay long in one place. At least he hasn't left the house--yet. He's real cute too, though, doncha think? He's a bit of a pyromaniac, though, and he has a slightly fiery temper.
This is Zamer, my first virtual pet. Isn't he cute? Below is my adoption certificate.
Above we have Don and Dawn, twins, Syra (she has a really beautiful voice--I wish you could hear her), and Last as always but certainly not least, Myrus.
This is my virtual forest. It purifies my air and adds a natural atmosphere to my house. Also, my pets like to come rest in their shade and climb them. (What was that? They're too small, you say? Tsk, tsk. Imagination--Willing Supension of Disbelief--is a requirement in this house.)
These are my equines--Arrana, my pony Binko (I've always wanted a pony. Hmmm...I wonder if I can get my sister one?), and Sianharas. Rides are allowed on Sundays--5 cents for kidlets under 48" tall.
This is my first cat, Mika. I plan to get more.
This my good-luck penny Perry. You know pennies bring you luck (from my superstitious fanatically bizarre Christian point of view--it's the "In God We Trust"), so I always carry a few around with me and their scattered all over my house. Now I can have some of that luck in my virtual house! Thanx, ~Spider Angel!!!
This is Semmony, yes, yet another dragon. I have a certain afinity for dragons, being part dragon myself. I like this look, though. It's quite different from the norm, almost equine in appearnce. I got her at The Dark Crystal Realm, a really cool site.
This is my Pernese fire lizard fair. For those of you unfamiliar with anne MacCaffery's Pern novels (I highly recomend you familiarize yourselves--check out your local library, they're great books), fire lizards (in/on Pern) are the cute little guys that their larger cousins the dragons were biogenetically engineered from. A group of them is called a fair, just like you have schools of fish and flocks of birds. I have them arranged here in proper hierarchial order--Gold Queens first, then the bronze males, then the brown males, then the green females, and lastly the blue males. I was lucky enough to impress one of each color. This a well-balanced fair, but still a manageable size. (And with Azzy to worry about, I need manageable) Their names are Queenie (yes, yes, I know--how original), Prince Charming, Wart, Rothen, and Bobo. Here's the way to The Hatching Sands
This is my flight of Oriental Dragons from Castle Paw: Dragon's Lair. Ok, I admit, I may have been excessive, but hey, I couldn't choose, and there was no limit, so... (they all have names--and if you really want to know each one, email me)
This is my slime mold, Jim, in plasmodial form. This particular type is of the genus Physarum. Beautiful, isn't he? No site would be complete without a resident slime mold. To learn more about these fascinating creatures in real life, click here and here.
This is my dragon Remembrance, in honor of Independence Day, the birthday of this country. Below is my adoption certificate. Oh, and, the reason she looks like Zamer and Azzy is because they're cousins. Either click on the certificate or ask Remembrance for directions to the excellent dragon adoption agency I got her from, Darksbane Dragons