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Фотографии города Киева - столицы Украины

Бессарабский рынок (центральный)
Bessarabsky Market.

Колокольня Софиевской церкви
Bell Tower of St. Sofia Cathedral

Колокольня Софиевской церкви
Bell tower of St. Sofia Cathedral.

Андреевская церковь
Andriivsky Church.

Собор успения Богордицы пирогощи
Bohorodytsi Pyrohoshchi' Church.
The church was demolished during the communist rule and was built again in 1998 based on the drawings from archive.

Каштаны во цвету
Chestnuts in Blossom

Концертный зал "Украина"
Concert Hall 'Ukraina'.

Дом Булгакова
Bulgakov's House

Городской морской вокзал
City River Terminal.

Памятник Богдану Хмельницкому
Bohdan Khmel'nytsky Monument.

Каштаны во цвету
Chestnuts in Blossom

Каштаны во цвету
Chestnuts in Blossom

Фантан в центральном парке
Fountain in the Central Park

Фантан на улице Крещатик около "Пассажа"
Fountain on Khreshchatyk street near 'Passazh'.

Фантан на крещатике около "ЦУМа"
Fountain on Khreshchatyk street near 'TsUM'

река Днепр
Dnieper (Dnipro) River

Фантан на площади Независимости
Fountain on Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square)

Золотые форота
Golden Gate

Kyiv Funicular

Киево-Печерская Лавра. Колокольня
Kyjevo-Pecherska Lavra. Bell Tower

Национальный банк Украины. Вид спереди
National Bank of Ukraine.Front View

Университет. Главный корпус
Kyiv University. Main building.

Мариинский Дворец.Вид сзади
Mariyinsky Palace. Rear view.

Kyiv Circus

Площадь Независимости ночью
Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) at Night.

Выдубедский монастырь
Vydubecky monastery.

Parlament Building

Памятник Кию, Щеку и Хореву и их сестре Лыбиди - легендарные основатели Киева.
Monument to Kyj, Shchek and Khoryv and their syster Lybid -- the legendary founders of Kyiv.
The monument was unveiled in 1982 at the foot of Pechersky plateau on the bank of the Dnipro. It depicts the legendary founders of Kyiv -- the brothers Kyj, Shchek and Khoryv and their sister Lybid. The sculpture is a boat with the three brothers standing in the stern, two are holding spears and Kyj holds a large bow. Lybid stands tall and strong in the bow, the wind is gracefully liftingher cloak.

Памятник Кирилу, Мефодию, Святому Андрею и Княгине Ольге
Monument to Cyrill, Methodius, St. Andrew and Princess Olga

Cyrill and Methodius (right) were two Greek monks who invented the Cyrillic alphabet and did a lot for illumination of ancient Kievan Rus.
St.Andrew was also a famous illuminator of ancient Kievan Rus.
The monument to Cyrill, Methodius, St. Andrew and Princess Olga (not visible here) was initially built in XIX century. In 1920s it was stolen by the communists and for a long time was considered to be lost. But in 1995 during the reconstruction of the Mykhailivska Ploshcha (square) it was discovered buried under the road.
It was installed once again at the old place in 1995.


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