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Hi! I'm going to try to provide you with information that will help you in making your website a big hit on the web! This site is for beginners only, I am not an instructor, I'm just another website builder who taught herself to make websites. I'm going to share what I have learned and try to help you out in any way I can think of. Some of these tidbits of information may not be best for you but I hope that they help you on your way to having a great website that you and the rest of the world can enjoy. Here is my outline for the page so you can navigate more easily.

Building a website Choose a topic Find a Host Have fun
Get someone to do it for you Make it pleasing Check your text!!!! Keeping track of your files
Adding Interest Get Traffic Search engine friendly Submit and get listed


We'll start at the beginning...

Building a website

OK before you get into all the technical stuff about getting your site popular you must first start with a site. This can be personal, business, or just about anything you can think of.

Personal or business???
A personal site can be on any topic you find interesting. It can be about your hobbies, crafts, religion, politics, or anything you want to display or discuss with other members of the world wide community. Try to keep it friendly and no hate or bashing of other's beliefs. This will help you in making the site popular because many of those detrimental sites will not be listed with search engines and your host may revoke your site on these grounds. Be sure that your host allows the content you intend on displaying. But that will come later.
A business site can also be anything you want. There are many marketing and money making programs out there that want you to display a webpage that they have created on your site, thus getting them more interested visitors seeing the same site everywhere. While I have never had a site such as this many people do make money off programs such as: (insert links to programs like that) Or you can open your own web-based business offering retail items and services. It could be anything from books to doorknobs. Really you can sell anything you might want to sell as long as it's legal. You can even market your own newsletter for a subscription price. But if you are going to sell stuff on the web be ready for your customers. It can be very inconvenient to open a site and get business and not be ready to meet the demand. On the other hand it can be very slow starting out so be ready for that as well. One of the most important things to do is finding a great provider for any items you may wish to sell, a wholesaler that will deal in very small quantities. Not always easy but if you look around on the web I'm sure you can find a few of them. Start local and fan out your search. It's always best to find providers in your area so you can deal with them face to face if needed.


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Find a Host

So make your choice of what kind of site you want first, then look for host.
A host is a web server that will provide you with space to place your site. Many of these providers are free for all to use. They may have restrictions on space and content but read through the user agreements to find the best HOST for you to use for your site.

There are a lot of free hosts out there so if you don't like any of these do a search and find one you do like.
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Have Fun!

Now comes the fun part. Make the site! Many of the hosts have a website building program you can use through their site or you can purchase one at a software store. These purchased programs can be a little expensive and unless you intend on updating your site often or having multiple sites you may choose to use the building programs that your host provides free of charge. I learned website construction using the free version of front page express that was included with windows 95. But learning to upload the site was a bit more involved than I hoped it would be. When learning website construction the best thing you can practice is patience. Your host's help section can be very helpful if you can read through the technical terms from the start. Take your time and read through everything and if you have any questions e-mail the tech support for that site. But there are many message boards where you can find help from everyday people who don't sound like tech manual. (Add a link to groups like this)

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Have someone do it for you!
Or you can choose the option of having your site built for you. There are some hosts that will provide this service free using universal templates but if you want your site to really have some impact I wouldn't go this route. There are some freelance web-designers that will do it very inexpensively and provide you with a completely original site. For business sites I think this is one of the best options. A web designer will create a great site for you in a very small amount of time. You could have your business up in running in days instead of the weeks or even months it may take an individual to learn everything involved.

Computerman Web Design

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Make it pleasing!

Whether the site is business or personal make sure it is visually pleasing. Try to make it unforgettable and fun for your visitors. Find some great graphics for your site. Here are a few places to find them and get them for free!

The Design Team

You can also add music and animations to make it fun for all. (Find some free midi providers)

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Check your Text!!!!
Make sure the content is clear and well written. Do a spell check as well... have a friend proof read it too. The spell checkers are great for spelling but if you misuse a word it doesn't let you know. You do not want you visitors to see errors or mistakes if you can help it. The more professional the better. If you feel you need the help of a professional there are many available for this service.

The Proofreaders

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Keeping track of your files

I think the hardest part in learning how to build a website was being sure my files were where I wanted them to be. On a website you will have your own file space, in this space you upload your files. Your files can be placed where you want them but you must keep track of where they are and be sure that they are in the right place so that all of your internal links on your webpages work. For example: You may want to place a graphic on a page. This graphic must be in the proper place in your files on your site so that your website will LOAD the image onto your webpage. These files work the same way your files on your computer work. It's a folder-based system. So if you have a image in a folder named IMAGES you must have that image linked on your site to the image name in an image folder. This was all very complicated to me but keeping things organized is the hardest part. If you have problems with this process it's best to e-mail the support of your host or e-mail an experienced web-designer to help you with any questions. But you may find this an easy task and something else might be confusing for you. Just remember to be patient and have fun with it! Persistence will pay off in the end.

Note: I know this may look like an awful lot of things to have to go through and learn but the process is a lot of fun and once you get through it once you will find that it wasn't as difficult as you thought it was going to be.

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Adding Interest

Once you have the basics of your site built you may want to add extras, these can add some interest and can provide you with useful information about your visitors. Such extras include: Counters - These will help you keep track of the traffic to your site and can also provide information about your visitors; Mailing Lists - a great addition to your site to inform visitors of any new additions to your site or for businesses to inform your visitors of any new prices or new items; Tell-a-friend - this is a great traffic builder if your visitors enjoy your page enough to pass it onto their friends. Links - providing a place for your visitors to put up their links on a site is a great addition, it allows your visitors to feel like a part of your site; Guestbooks - another addition that is nice for you, you can see some of the feedback from your guests who choose to take the time and post their views about your site; Message Boards - This is a great tool for personal sites where you would like to start discussions on any topic, you can post your view on the topic at hand and request input from your guests (this way it is done for you and you don't have to add additional pages to your site); E-mail Forms - This is a great gadget, it provides you with a form where you visitors may e-mail you without having to list your e-mail address on your site; Other fun stuff - there are many providers of these services that have other things to add to your page that change daily or even hourly, these may include jokes, cartoons or even news. While all of these things may not be available directly from your host there are various places where you can get them for free. The code is provided for you and all you have to do is copy and paste it into your website pages. These sites have great instructions written for everyone to understand. For all of my sites I use the tools provided by Bravenet.

I encourage you to check them out it's totally free and you might even want to use them as your host. But if Bravenet isn't to your liking your host may provide some of these things for your sites too, do a search on the web for the service you are looking for or try one of these.

There are so many additions in this category that it would be impossible for me to list them all so get out there and find the ones you like. Insert them into your page and have some fun with it!

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Once you have designed your site you have to get traffic!

Step one making the site Search engine friendly!

Search engines, now that's how your visitors are going to find you. There are a few steps to go through to help you get listed with these major traffic getters, so I'll get started with the first.

Your site must be search engine friendly!!! While some search engines require you to enter a criteria to list your site most of them mechanically spider your page with a little program that keeps track of important data. Using METATAG entries in your webpages will allow this program to log what your site contains and help visitors find your site when they do a search for things listed in these lines of code. Please check my information on METATAGS to understand what they are and to find metatag programs to help you create them for your site.

This is the information needed to create metatags for your website to be search engine friendly:

Title: (title of page/site)

Description of site:(a brief description of your site, don't get too detailed just a sentence)

Keywords : (here you get detailed, very detailed, don't use repeat words the search engine only looks for words, they can look for phrases but that is usually not done. Here you put all the keywords for your site. All categories should be covered for your home page, then you can be more specific on each page after that. The search engines will spider your page, that means it will follow all the links on the page and add them to the searches. So if you are page specific it will direct visitors to specific pages. If you prefer you can just do one and use it for all pages but it may confuse your visitors causing a little annoyance for them.)

Owner:(your e-mail address, this allows the search engine to respond to you and can also allow visitors a way to find your mail address, it can also allow other Robots to find your e-mail address and you will get more spam than you had before so be prepared for that. But search engine submission programs do require it.)

Author:(this is for your website author to place their name on your page. If you have made your own page you put your name there if not do your author a favor and place their name in the spot. It can generate a little business for them if the visitor knows how to view code.)

The next few entries are for the search engine only.

Expires:(this if filled in tells the search engine that your page will only be active for a specific amount of time, great for listing events that take place on a certain date. We've all searched the web and found pages that no longer exist. If your page is going to disappear in a few weeks it's best for everyone if you let the search engine know. Let's not clog the searches with non pages. However if your page is not date specific you leave this blank.)

Charset:(even I am not exactly sure what this is. The default for it is "CHARSET" CONTENT="ISO-8859-1"> and I suppose that is best for everyone. It works for all my pages and when I do figure it out I'll post it!)

Language:(This lets your visitors know what language your site is in. It's important for the WORLD wide web. You want the visitors to your site to know what language they are going to be expected to read when they get there.)

Object type:(This tells the search engine if it is a document or an application most instances document is used even if you have another object on the page you usually have something else on the page that is document type.)

Rating:(This is used to allow for baby-sitting programs to keep kids off pages where they do not belong. As long and you don't have an sexually explicit site General works. Kind of like the G rating system. You can choose from a few options.)

Robots:(this is when you ask the spidering robot to follow all your links. The best way to do this is index and follow. That way it indexes all your pages and follows all the links. If you have all your metatags in place when you do this the search engine will place all of your pages into their search. Now that does not mean all of your pages will be listed but it will try to list as many as it can.)

Revisit:(Again this is for the robot, it tells it to place it in it's queue for visitation in an amount of time you choose. I use four weeks. It gives me a month to get hits on everything set up as it is now. Then in one month it should revisit your page. I do say should there because I have really never experienced a revisit. I don't know how I could check that anyway but my counters have never logged a revisit.)

There are a few sites that have a metatag generator for your use free of charge. You fill in the blanks then the code is generated for you. You take the code and copy and paste it into your site. Then upload your page to your server and you are good to go! You can find a metatag generator at Bravenet or do a search to find one you may like better.


Add Pro has a generator too!

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Submit and Get listed!

Once you have all these things in place in the head section of your pages you can go through the submission process. There are a few submission programs that you can use for free and a MANY which charge a fee. Start with the free programs first and if they seem to work for you then you can decide if it's worth it to pay for them. But that's another subject.

Getting Listed

Next is getting your site registered with the search engine. Some search engines require a fee, most do not. But if you want to get listed fast and high up in the listings a fee is not totally out of the question. It is an investment that will help people find the things you offer on your website. However, most of us don't want to spend money on the things we cannot see so start with the freebies. Many search engines don't charge any fee and you can submit a site to them just by clicking on the link on the bottom of the search engine page where it says, ADD A SITE or SUBMIT A SITE. Now take a minute and think about how many search engines there are on the web... OK you aren't going to want to go through them one by one and submit your site, it would take forever. But there are some programs out there that allow you to use their service for free, these are search engine submitters. They do most of the work for you. You enter in your information, usually only once, and they provide you with all the information to submit to many different search engines. These are a few search engine submitters....

Ineedhit Addpro

After you have submitted using these programs you may decide you want to try getting listed on some major engines that do not allow submission programs into their process, sites like yahoo. Yahoo is a great search engine and hundreds of thousands of people use it everyday. But like you might expect it's hard to get listed there. They do have both a pay submission and a free submission, however paying for the submission doesn't guarantee a listing. I've submitted several times for free and didn't get a listing that way. But I am listed through a webring that I belong to so that helps quite a lot. Webrings at webring are easy to use, you choose your category and what ring or rings you wish to belong to sign up add the code to your page once and you are DONE!


There are also a few other search engines which you must submit to manually, but you can take your time through these and get listed as much as possible. Yes it will take sometime but you will see it is worth it.

Altavista Yahoo Lycos AOL
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Wacky has a few more tips on getting traffic to your site with his marketing projects so check them out next!

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The design team has a website building starter package for $10.00!

Email us for more information!

Now you can post your comments or thoughts directly to our message board. Please feel free to make suggestions for new graphics you would like to see!