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Welcome to the free graphics page

We have a growing selection of graphics which will be updated frequently. If you don't see anything that meets your current needs please check back with us or drop us an email with some suggestions.
You can choose your graphics from any of the following. All we ask is that you do not use our file, please save the file to your own computer to upload to your site or use as you see fit. Please, do not steal our bandwidth, it costs us all; in the time it takes for things to load and in missing graphics from websites. We would do ask for a simple linkto for use of our graphics on your site:

Please include the code in the Text file on the pages which use our graphics please, right click on the link below and save target as (be sure to save it as a txt file):

Copy and paste this code into your pages that use our graphics.
You may change the color and font of the text but not the content.
This code should appear similar to this on your webpage:

Graphics provided by The Design Team.
We've got designs on you!

Thank You and Enjoy!
If you can't find what you are looking for here. Post your suggestions on our message board!

(file names with the letters dk somewhere in the file name are for dark backgrounds)

To view any of these graphics please, click the link then use your browser's back button to return to this page.
New Websets










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3D Stuff

You may also want to check out Computerman's CGArts site for 3D works.

Skull Firecircle Witchy Sunshine Moonface
Unicorn1 Unicorn2 Unicorn3 TurningStar TurningStarsm
Dragon1 Dragon2 Fire Circle Circleslow
Smileyfaces Smileyfacessm Crazykid Eyeblink Eyewink

Animated Backgrounds

Stars Alien1 DkDots Dots Dotslt





turqflaketile blueandblaktile rednblacktile
redblacktile purpflaketile eyeofrahtile
circlething2 circlething Crystal
Waves Redleaves Leaves
Dots Dotsdk Dotslt
Bluebubblefill Bluefill Bubbles
Bubblessm Bubblesblue Bubblesdkblue
Bubblesdkbluesm Dkgreenbubsm Dkbubbles
Bubblesgreen Bubblesorange Bubblespink
Bubblespinksm Bubblesredsm Checkfill
Dkbubblefill Dkgreenbubfill Greenbubfill
Greenfill Lilacfill Pinkfill
Plaidmaybe2 Plaidmaybe3 Plaidmaybe4
Plaidmaybe6 Purplefill Redbubblefill
Rosefill Smblock Smblockfill
Terracottafill Yellowfill Bluishmisshape
Bluish Bluishsm Bluishstarfill
Bluishstarfillsm Dkblmisshape Dkbluish
Dkbluishsm Dpcornfill Dpcornfillsm
Drflyback1 Drflyback1sm Drflywmk
Greendiamond Greyimage Greyscale
Houndstooth Image51802 Image51802red
Kermit Navystar Orangefloor
Pinkcomb Pinkcornfill Pinkcornfillsm
Pinkcornrev Pinkprint Squares1
Starfill Starfilldk Starfilllt
Starpurpfill Ummmm  

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Smileyfaces Smileyfacessm


basketsm basketlarge beersm beerlarge breadms
breadlarge carrotssm carrotslarge cheescakems cheescake
chickensm chickenlarge chopsm choplarge cinrollsm
cinrolllarge cocktailsm cocktaillarge coffeebreaksm coffeebreaklarge
coldonesm coldonelarge cooksm cooklarge cookiessm
cookieslarge cornlarge dairysm dairylarge floursm
flourlarge garlicsm garliclarge juicesm juicelarge
kabobsm kaboblarge ladyturkeyms ladyturkeylarge loafsm
loaflarge loinsm loinlarge moonpicnicsm moonpicniclarge
muffinssm muffinslarge mushroomssm mushroomslarge onionsm
onionlarge pancakessm pancakeslarge peppersm pepperlarge
picnicsm picniclagre piesm pielarge pizzasm
pizzalarge potsm potlarge puddingsm puddinglarge
raddishsm raddishlarge roastsm roastlarge roastbirdsm
roastbirdlarge shoppingsm shoppinglarge shorcakesm shortcakelarge
shrimipsm shrimplarge silverwaresm silverwarelarge soupsm
souplarge spagettism spagettilarge squashsm squashlarge
steaksm steaklarge tomatosm tomatolarge veggibar
winesm winelarge cornsm    

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Other Holidays

Misc. Stuff

Color Me

Page Created By:

The design team has a website building starter package for $10.00!

Email us for more information!

Now you can post your comments or thoughts directly to our message board. Please feel free to make suggestions for new graphics you would like to see!