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Welcome to the Design Team's Tip page!!!!

This new page is to help amatuer web designers use our graphics on their pages. Check back often for updates! We are please to have added a group of new busy backgrounds that while very pretty can be somewhat intimadating to use. These backgrounds are designed to add impact to your pages. How much impact they have is entirely up to you the designer. One of the best ways to use these backgrounds is to add boarders to a page by using them in nested tables. Below is an example:



This can really add impact to your text and images









Check out our other tips pages to find out how to get traffic and make money with your site.


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The design team has a website building starter package for $10.00!

Email us for more information!

Now you can post your comments or thoughts directly to our message board. Please feel free to make suggestions for new graphics you would like to see!