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[us being crazy]

Well here are some scary pix. So heads up, here we are,, crazy. We get psyco when we're by ourselves and junk, don't worry, if you ever magically see me and my friends together, we shouldn't act like this, let's at least hope not. OK, here they are, brace yourself:

This is when me and Hendrix went to Marc's house after his guitar lesson and kinda forgot to tell him we were coming. His mom let us in but didn't know what was going on. So we walked down to his room unnoticed and then BOOM! Picture taken as he turns to cover himself. Imagine you filling up your backpack to go spend the night at a friends and then your friends take a pic of you and you had no idea that they were in your house. Freaky isn't it?

We are geniouses. We stratigically aimed missels at the Eiffel Tower. Brilliant, isn't it? Let's hope we don't miss, cause that could turn out badly.

This is Chris, jumping of a ledge in Trocadéro. It looks good. And it better, after about a million times of me trying to get it right. And Marc and Hendrix are in the back looking all statue-like or something. Look at Chris' face, I love it.

This picture is called "We Need Help." Need I say more?

This is an awesome picture. Here are Hendrix, Chris, and Marc flying. I took the pic and my friends all got really pissed cause it didn't come out right the first couple of times. And landing was very painfull. So my friends were in pain, and i was laughing. But it turned out awesome. Notice how Chris' face looks the same in this picture as in his other flying picture.

This is Chris, and he's pissed. He's yelling, i think, maybe, yelling looks right. Chris get's all cranky now and then, and when he's cranky, he's dangerous. Or just freaky like that.

This is a pic of us being Charles Angels like. I don't know why we did this, but we were all psyco at Chris' house and i thought of the fraeky Angels pic that i took in McLean. I doubt you can see, but my face looks really weird in this pic. I made some sort of "Damn, that's disgusting" face and it looks funny and scary.

This is, uh...a pic, of Chris, with a pair of pants (a different pair of pants, he's wearing pants in the pic for your info), yeah, so the pants are on his head. It was weird, I was looking at the window or something then all of a sudden Chris walks in with pants on his head. I didn't get that, but he wanted me to take a pic, and this picture defines this page.

This is Chris, a die-hard Mac freak, advertising my mom's PC. Interesting, eh? We were at his house to do a project, i dunno if we finished early or just got bored, but magically this happened. For the record, this is something you would NEVER see Chris do. He hates PCs and Bill Gates. OK, i just thought you guys might like to know that.

Wow, how the tables have turned! Here are Marc and Chris doing that freaky face thing again. This was the same day as the last pic. So we were pretty psyco that day. Help us!

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