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The Faeish Library

Welcome to 'the faeish library'... below is a collection of books concerning the subjects of Faeries and such related creatures of mystery, a subject which has captured my love and admiration since childhood. There are many fabulous books out there, but the best are here! And if there are some missing, that you feel are among the best, please don't hesitate to write and inform me! I'm good with suggestions. People are always writing wonderful books, and since I am poor and starved for time, I cannot be expected to read them all!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy browsing this collection. All links lead to page for them, and you are not obligated to buy anything! And if you find something splendid, as you no doubt will, all transactions with are safe, fast, and fabulous!

  • A Midsummer Night's Faery Tale by Wendy Froud, Terri Windling, John Lawrence Jones

  • Are All the Giants Dead? by Brian Froud & Mary Norton

  • Good Faeries/Bad Faeries by Brian Froud & Terri Windling

  • Faeries by Brian Froud & Alan Lee, David Larkin

  • Strange Stains & Mysterious Smells by Brian Froud & Terry Jones

  • The Faery Oracle by Brian Froud & Tesa Macbeth (preorder)

  • Return to the Main Library

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