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The Library

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Welcome to 'The Garden of Earthly Delights' Bookstore, the Official Associate of Shopping here is easy, I have singled out my favourite and recommended books and all you have to do is click on the titles to visit's website and order them from their secure server. Millions upon Millions of people use for its less-than-retail prices and quality, and I am personally a devoted long-time customer. So please, wander the long halls of my Library.

The Garden of Earthly Delights
Book of the Month

July 2000

'Dark Sister'
is a wonderful dark fiction book about an English mother who happens upon an ancient wiccan grimiore in the fireplace of her Victorian home. It is an excellently written and interesting story.

View all of The Garden of Earthly Delight's Books of the Month

  • The Garden Library ~ Books about gardening, herbs, plants, and earth magic

  • The Faeish Library ~ Books about Faeries and related creatures

  • Strange Fiction ~ fictional books concerning witchcraft/magic etc...

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