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Welcome to 'Strange Fiction,' a section of the library dedicated to fiction concerning the magical and mysterious.

As with all of my libraries, you are not obligated to buy anything by clicking on the links below. They simply take you to's main information page about each title.

If there are any books out there that aren't listed here and should be, contact me and I will read and consider them. Thank you, and enjoy your time in my strange libraries...

  • Dark Sister by Graham Joyce ~ A Book of the Month

  • The Mermaids Singing by Lisa Carrey

  • Witches Night Out by Silver Ravenwolf (Vol. 1 of Witches Chillers, no other volumes released yet)

  • The Initiation by Lisa Jane Smith (volume 1 of the secret circle)

  • The Captive by Lisa Jane Smith (volume 2 of the secret circle)

  • The Power by Lisa Jane Smith (volume 3 of the secret circle)

  • The Ancient One by Thomas A. Baron

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