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Time is of the essence

current moon phase: waning

days until the Full Moon on October 2nd

Everyone knows that the moon influences the sea, and those with the magical mind aren't waiting for science to decide its also greatly influences all living beings as well, including people and plants. When you perform certain tasks in the garden can influence your result. So planting by the moon's cycles can help you and your garden attune with the natural way of things, and encourage your magical garden to thrive.

The concept of planting by the moon's phases and location in the skies are not new, they have been practiced for centuries. It is best to flow with the natural tides, not against them.

In astrology, the fruitful signs are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Capricorn, and Libra. It is when the moon is in these signs and is Waxing, New, or Full that the work in the garden involving planting and transplanting should be done.

The 'barren signs' of astrology involve Leo, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Aries. Planting and the like should never be done during these phases. When the moon is waning, weeding, picking, harvesting, and pruning (to discourage growth. To encourage growth, pruning should be done during a fruitful sign.) should be done.

Cultivation of the soil and working with the earth of your garden in general is best done during a barren sign.

The art of Lunar Gardening flows with the Witches' traditional ways of working positive and productive magic during the Waxing, New or Full Moon, and spellwork involving banishment and removal during the Waning and Dark Moon. The practice will help you to work with the energies around you and above to nourish a more magical and successful garden.
