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The Garden of Earthly Delights
'My Sweet Rose' by Waterhouse........... The Garden of Earthly Delights!

Welcome! If anyone pays attention to this little place, they'd know its in shambles! I'm trying to update it... I hope it is slightly presentable!

Spring seems past, as the green grasses wither and the early bulbs are replaced by summer wild flowers, but the Solstice is not here yet to mark the beginning of summer.BR>
I just completely remodeled the Libraries, making it easier to find, browse, and look into the purchase of books. I've added a few more titles, and I will keep working on it, adding more. Don't forget to look through the Libraries and the other new and improved sections of 'The Garden of Earthly Delights.'

And one more thing... there is a secret little door to a strange little Oubliette located somewhere on the site... the door keeps moving about, as magical things do... but you might wish to look for it... Even I'VE lost it (seriously!!)!

What did you do for Lammas?

days until the Autumn Equinox
Wish to know more about the Sabbats & Seasons?

'the garden of earthly delights' is copyright © 1999~2001 lilie smith, all rights are reserved. nothing to be duplicated without my permission.

this site is best viewed using INTERNET EXPLORER... it looks horrible on netscape.

created approx. december 1999