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*Cyber Times Home Page *Links *Resume


Justice Denied
(investigative project)

Expanded Jury Pool Dampens Civic Duty
(computer-assisted project)

Unhappy Investors In 17 Cases Blame Wellington Millionaire
(in-depth weekender)

AIDS in Belle Glade
(explanatory project)

Bag Of Cash, Rumors Fracture Greek Parish
(in-depth weekender -- and an unusually strange story)

The William Kennedy Smith Rape Case
(collection of features and breaking stories)

Few Facts Fan Abundant Rumors
(Sunday takeout on the Kennedy Smith case)

Breath Test Challenge Could Affect Hundreds of DUI Cases

Clan Of Slip-and-Fall Scam Artists Falls For Good
(in-depth weekender)

Trust Scam Duped 5,000 Seniors, State Claims
(daily breaking story)

Fugitive Still Smiling as Bondsmen Sweat

Zile's Life in Cautious Hands

Did Search For Thrills Lead Witter Astray?
 Investment Heir Accused Of Laundering
Drug Money
(daily breaking story)

Why a Room With a View Means a Lot
(1986 op-ed piece)