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by SunRae ©1999

A white winged dove flew
over the mountain today
and came to rest before
continueing on it's way.

Dove spoke in prophetic,
unclouded vision strong,
of the branch the claws carried
as the spirit moved along.

Dove told of monsters of
gleaming steel metal towers.
sucking the richness from mother
earth, taking her powers.

Belching forth their acrid,
strangling, consuming breath.
Choking the dove, taking earth green,
turning it black, in bellows of death.

In foretold abandon
the water runs red.
Man's waste, pollutants, it
can not cleanse or shed.

All the while the dove did
extend the branch in it's claws.
Spirit brought forth salvation,
for man with all his flaws.

With blind eye, deaf ear,
did they harden their hearts.
Not willing to give back,
replenish,or do their part.

Dove had a tear fall from
a knowing, see all eye.
We all are one on the path
of unity, this is why I fly!

I hang my head in shame
and start to cry.
For the path we walk.
Will surely make us die.

I raise my head,
reach out my hand.
Take a twig from the branch.
Tell me it's not to late to save man?

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Music by Elan Michaels

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