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by: SunRae

Let's sit back and imagine we are all gathered around this big table. At this table there is room for everyone. There is time for everyones story. At this table we follow the paths that we are given and there is a story down every path. At this table we have the earth, the animals, the wind, the rain, and the fire. We are all gathered in harmony, for we are all related. Come sit at our table for I have a story to tell.

artist: Lee Bogle

In this story a girl child is born on a sunny winter afternoon.
She has a golden hue and rays from the sun fall
upon her face. She will be known as Medess [the sun child].
Medess is a strong spirit, who will shine amoung her brothers and
sisters, for her spirit is aglow with the joy of life.

artist: Rosemary Millette

Throughout life the pathways have lead her thru great sorrow, temptation, greed, rebellion, and great happiness. Now in the late summer of lifes pathways, she is aware of the vision great spirit has given her. The wolf spirit is strong in Medess, leading her to teach and guide others. She must live in harmony with all mother earth has to give. With the wolf spirit guiding her, she can bring honor, loyalty, insight, and the voice of truth to the table. Eagle joins wolf in her spirit and gives her the ability to soar, seeking vision and prophecy. With the claw of bear, strong medicine is brought to the table. With this comes healing, both physically and emotionally. Then to the table comes woman with compassion and great love.She is the connection that brings forth harmony and the lessons to acheive it.

artist: Pat morris

artist: Lee Bogle

Medess knows there are many paths to travel yet, but these paths will not be traveled alone. For her story is still being created and will carry her forth, with the unity of all who have traveled before her and all that will travel in her footsteps. Now a gift of some stories, teachings, and links to the same. Given with respect for all life.

by SunRae ©1999

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