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           Curse -May 29th, 2001

           Damn the Day - December 26th, 2001

           Define -November 2nd, 2001

           Fair Play - April 30th, 2001

           Family Eternal -June 15th, 2001

           Just Tools - June 16th, 2001

           Morning Breaks -November 28th, 2001

           Rain of Tears -August 13th, 2001

           Remebering To Forget -December 26th, 2001

           RRRip -October 26th, 2001

           Running Blind - October 26th, 2001

           Signs -November 4th, 2001

           Sudden Success -October 26th, 2001

           The Answer To All Your Questions -April 1st, 2001

           The End of the Beginning -October 26th, 2001

           The Line - April 30th, 2001

           The Second First Time - May 4th, 2001

           Unfair -June 15th, 2001

           Untitled -June 6th, 2001

           Who's To Blame? -June 15th, 2001

          All poems written by and Copyright © 1998-2006 of Kenneth R. Cabrieto & KHP INC. unless otherwise specified.