To List your beloved Manx Angel on our Memory page, please e-mail me at |
In Memory!
Some friends come into our lives and quickly go.
You stayed not long and left your little paw-prints
Across my heart, and I will never, ever be the same!
Andre 1988 - 2002
And how loved, you were!
Andre' was first diagnosed with Feline “"Vaccine Associated Sarcoma" (VAS)" in 1997, which is an ugly cancer believed to be triggered by vaccinations. Andre was a true fighter. He underwent two surgeries, chemo and remained a loving loyal FRIEND until the very end. Letting go of him was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. Please take the time to read about VAS and let's try and inform others of this monster that attacks our loving friends without mercy!
Michelle 1990 - 2003
Michelle became a member of our family in Germany in 1990. Michelle crossed to the bridge in 2003. Michelle is greatly missed, she was my daughter closest friend from her teenage years into her young adulthood, and marriage.
AnaManxs's Special Friends
Sacred Purr Black Kachina; 5/21/01- 3/10/04
Kachina crossed the Bridge brining two special little ones into this World
Cutlet; Special little girl of Kim and Beau; Salem, VA