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Casa Rosa

House Tour


Front Entrance

Living Room

Dining Room

Master Bedroom

Back Bedroom



Third Bedroom

Step out to the Garden


e-mail us

Casa Rosa When we bought this house in February 2000, we had to use a lot of imagination to see past the litter, water damage, and vandalism. My first thought was "this will make a good restoration project for some one. I certainly didn't think that some one was us. But beyond all of the decay, there was a charming stucture, just waiting to be brought back to life.

Since then, we have spent many hours cleaning, painting, plumbing, sawing, and so on. It has been a challenge, but the rewards have been well worth the effort. It is even more satisfying to see our beautiful home and to know that we did this. Come on in and take a look around...

Casa Rosa July '00 Casa Rosa Before

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