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Written for and about a fellow musician who stole my heart


I’m so scared
I feel myself heading somewhere new
I don’t know where to turn
Don’t know what to do

For us to meet when we did
He told me it was destiny
Is it the music in my soul he wants
Or is it me?

I don’t know where to hide
Don’t know if I can anymore
He’s seen ME - He’s seen my soul
He’s seen that I am so much more

He’s heard the words
That flow from deep inside me
And he accepts them - Is in awe of them
And the person I have to be

I’m exposed - He knows it all
And I don’t know if I’m good enough
For him - For myself
Or for my gift

He said his heart began to race
When I sang him my life’s song
Put to his music
But is this where I belong?

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