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Welcome to Pinky's World

You've never met anyone quite like me. Don't make the mistake of thinking that you have...



Poem by Doc Morris


Shout Outs

The Personalities of Pinky

Email Me


6/4/03 -

Dyed the hair back to pink. Lovin' it. I missed it a lot.. It's been almost three years since I had it last, so check it out, HERE.

5/23/03 -

Haven't had much time to update lately, but I added some work tonite. A poem about my brother, December 19th, 2003, and That Moment, a song I think we all can relate to.

3/15/03 -

Finished the picture gallery. Added some new pics. Finished and updated the Work section. Added a shout out section. It ain't done, so don't whine at me cause you ain't on there yet. I'm tired as fawk. Gimme a break. - P

2/21/03 -

This site is currently under construction. If you have a problem with this, eat one. That is all - P


Click the links fool. You know you wanna. Why are you still reading? Click the damn links! Sheesh.


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