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This was written for a man who pretty much made me who I am today. Because of him, I am stonger than I ever thought possible and I can depend on myself. Thanks, J. Much love, and forgiveness.

I Lie Awake

I lie awake at night and I dream of his face.
Sweet brown eyes -
seem to be flooded with intensity.
I think only of him -
his smile,
his way with words and I know -
I know -
I’m in love with him.
Feelings so strong -
they course through my body -
at the thought -
just the thought of him.
I lie awake at night -
I toss and turn -
My thoughts are filled with him -
I am consumed -
With a feeling of joy -
with a feeling of dread -
For I know that he’ll never feel the way -
that I do for him.
I ache and I yearn -
crave for his kiss.
A tear -
a single tear runs down my cheek.
Why do I cry over a man I hardly know?
Because I’m in love -
isn’t love the answer?
In this case -
yes -
I cry for love.
I lie awake at night and I dream of his face.
Why -
how did I fall in love?
I never fall in love -
and now I have -
but it won’t work out -
he will never feel the way I do.
So here I lay -
with a question in my mind -
my heart.
Do I spend time with him or forget him?
Do I shut myself off again -
as I’ve done so many times before -
or do I let myself go -
to make memories with someone I care for?
When he leaves me -
will I know I made the right choice?
Will I regret doing what I’ll do -
or be glad for the fact -
that I was able to be close to the man I fell for?
He’ll never love me back -
this I know -
So as I lie awake at night -
I dream of his face -
and I wonder -
wonder so long -
do I stay or let go?

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