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This was written when my "Jenn" side and my "Pinky" side weren't getting along very well. They both kinda came out to vent when this was written.

Let Her Out

I let her come out again
Out into the real world
My darker side
My suicide
I try to hide
I let her come out again

She's the impatient one
Cannot take rejection
The devilish one
My vengence incarnation
The one who cannot sacrifice
She seeks to be it all
The one who wants to climb so high
But instead she makes us fall

She ruins it all
And I'm the one who pays
As soon as I find the one
She makes sure he never stays
Time is her vulgarity
All she knows is the fight
Wants it all to be her way
Everything is black and white

Sometimes I wish she'd just get the job done
Take over completely so I know that she's won
Let me fall away forever, never have to feel again
Write the end of my story so that hers can begin

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