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I think this one speaks for itself.

Let Me

Look into my eyes
Let me know what you see
Let me know what demons call out to you
From deep inside me

Stare into me as I pull you closer
Let me know what to do
Let me know with raw honesty
What I’m doing here with you

Hold my hand, let me feel you
Feel you deep within
Let me hold on to this moment
Never let it end

Let me revel in your beauty
Let me stare into your eyes
Let me know that I can trust you
Let me know you’re my demise

Gasp for breath as my nails
Linger tightly on your spine
Let me feel your every heat-beat
As it coincides with mine

Let me let you fall into me
My world - My truth - My lies
Let me live in this moment
While you are deep inside

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