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This was a time in my life when nothing mattered. I felt as if there was nothing left inside to invest in anyone or anything. I remember sitting in my bed, writing this, feeling as if the world had given up on me, but I had won, because I'd given up on it first. Kinda sad way to be, huh?

Maybe Tomorrow

Maybe tomorrow, when I awake
I'll realize what I've done
But in the stillness of my room tonight
I'm comfortably numb

It's so strange as the days go by
Feeling so much more than everyone else
Then to make the realization
I'm exactly like the rest

I blame my problems on the world
When I'm the only one to blame
But in the stillness of my room tonight
I am careless just the same

No emotion to feel
Just mistakes to be made
Longing for contentment
The battle is the wait

Maybe tomorrow when I awake
I will rationalize what I've done
But in the stillness of my room tonight
I am comfortably numb

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