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The Personalities of Pinky

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid


To be honest with you, I really don’t know how to start this off. I guess I should just tell you what this is all about first, huh?

The girl born as Jennifer Lee Smith on August 4th, 1983, is in fact, three completely different people. They have different handwritings, different ways of talking, even different ways of holding themselves. Examples will be given later on this.

Let’s start with Pinky, since she’s the one you’re here to read about anyways.

Pinky is confident, smooth, sexy, intelligent and easy going. She loves everyone and everything and loves a good time. She is the kind of girl who will try anything once, twice if she wasn’t sure if she liked it, and three times just to make sure. She’s outrageous. Pinky is the crazy, sexy, cool girl that everyone strives to be. She’s fucking great.

Then there is Jenn. Jenn isn’t so great. Jenn is the timid, shy part of me. I guess this comes from growing up a REALLLLLY fat kid and being nicknamed SHAMU in grade school. Once the weight was gone (all 80 lbs of it. Good riddance) she stuck around. She still feels like she’s the fat kid amongst all the beautiful people. She never thinks she’s good enough, especially for men, and she’s constantly trying to hide from the spotlight. Most of my writing comes from when Jenn takes over. She thinks more than most, over analytical about every miniscule thing. She hides in her writing and her books and escapes to other lands, thinking this one a far too harsh reality to bear.

Red. Haha. Red is the fire in my personality. Red has the temper of a drunk Irishman, and she isn’t afraid to do or say anything to anybody. If you piss her off, you’re done, end of story. Red is kind of a compilation of Pinky and Jenn. She is loud and fearless, yet she has a chip on her shoulder the size of Texas. Red has been known to pull baseball bats out and chase people around with them. She’s also been known to get Pinky fired from her job. She’s a bad seed, I’ll tell ya.

Now that you know the three parts of me, let me give some examples of their behaviors.

Jenn always touches her face or twirls her hair. She writes in cursive most of the time and slouches when she sits. Her voice is low and sweet.

Pinky is known to have a big grin on her face. Her hands move rapidly when she talks (must be the latin in me), and she LOVES to be the center of attention. She's the one you'll see when I'm onstage. Pinky also loves competition, so you’ll find her playing pool or darts or something. She stands straight, usually with a hand on one hip, playing with the string of her thong. Her voice is loud and cheerful. Pinky hardly ever writes, but when she does, it’s scribble scrabble.

Red is MEAN. She looks MEAN. Her shoulders are usually relaxed, with her head tilted back. Her right eyebrow is almost always cocked, and her speech, when she does speak, is usually bitter one liners and fast, hot tempered, and MEAN. She writes, too, her handwriting all capitals and bold.

Strange, ain’t it?

It has taken me 19 years to figure out why I’m so damned confused. I finally figured it out. I’m insane. There are three different people living inside of me, and each one of them wants a piece of the action. I personally like Pinky. She’s fun. Jenn can be somewhat boring, and Red just gets my ass in trouble. But Pinky, she’s cool. I like her. I wish I could be her all the time.

The names kinda came outa conversations with my roommate and my mom. They helped me to realize that I have these different aspects of myself and we dubbed them by their appropriate names. It’s kinda nice to be able to go, “Red’s awake,” and watch my friends scatter, knowing I want to be left the hell alone. It’s so much simpler now.

If only I could control when they wake up.

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