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Society sucks. That is all.

Salvation Vs. Truth

As the darkness falls
Upon my littered room
I wonder about salvation
What is this seemingly
Infectious idea that
Has taken over our nation

Mind to mind
Soul to soul
Brother to brother
How can it be
How can it exist
When we can’t even help one another

Take a good look around
All the hate and solitude
Where is the salvation in this
Enlighten me brother
For I want to know
What is it I have missed

You throw stones at the weak
Get off on their pain
And you expect us to live in peace
Why do you preach
Of things you don’t know
The things you truly want least

Chaos is your fortress
Your one true home
And you expect us to believe differently
When the truth is in your eyes
And while you preach, it hides secretly

So how can we live
In peace and harmony
Allow our souls to fly
Tell me brother
How can we do this
If it’s all a lie

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