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I feel like a 119 year old woman stuck in a teenager's body.


I feel like I’m too young to be anything
Yet too old to act like I don’t know what I’m doing
The articulation of my problems is inevitable
Yet the outcome will be destructive
My emotions flow through like a circle shaped river
Always ending up where they began
A countinuous cycle of neverending confusion
Wallowing in self pity’s the game
I try and try to be who I need to be
I try and try to be the gurl I am inside
I try and try to break away from the in crowd
Only to find I was never there anyhow
The sky’s the limit but my plane is stuck in neutral gear
I’d be flyin high if I was upside down but I’m not so I’m stuck on the ground
When I look in the mirror I’m saddened by what I see
Someone with such potential staring back at me
With no motivation to be who she can
Attempting to fight the monotany would be sad
So I look away from the mirror
Walk back into my life
The little gurl inside of me is crying
I walk into my bedroom
Sit and think a while
Why I feel as if
I’m worthless and I'm dying.

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