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Jenn wrote this. It was based on some happenings between me and a fellow musician.

Your Friend

Told my friends how I turned you down
They couldn’t hide their surprise
Told them that I care too much
They said that I was wise

I have too much respect
You are too much like me
You’re causing me such joy
Yet such pain and misery

I love you as a person
I want to be your friend
Why must it be this way
Why must it all end

I don’t want to get serious
That’s just not me
It’s not what I want
Not who I want to be

The night I had the chance
Didn’t know what the hell to do
Me and you on a bed in that dark room
Is not where I wanted you

But you make it so hard
Kissing on my neck
Smelling so sweet
Speaking of things we might regret

You’re not like everyone else
You are different somehow
Beyond your talent to your soul
I’m still captivated now

This is me and you
Don’t you know why I was hesitant to
Kiss your pleading lips?
I knew it’d end like this

You’ve got the same fire
Running through your veins
The same passion
For the same things

You’ve got the same life
Glowing in your eyes
But it’s just not the right time

I’m not ready for you
Not sure of what to do
I want you so much
But you I cannot touch

I’m not ready for you
Not ready for what you can do
To the person inside of me
That’s not who I want to be

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