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Home ] [ History ] 63rd Reunion ] 64th Annual Smith-Foster Reunion ] Family News ] Contacts ]


Ben, Bertha, Lucy, Henry, Hattie, Edgar

On December 6, 1895 Jackson Lee Smith, Jr. married Mary Elizabeth Foster Smith.  This union eventually led to the beginning of the great Smith-Foster family.

In July 1939, one of their children, Lucy J. Koger, invited their family and friends to a picnic at the home of her brother, Henry Smith, in Martinsville, Virginia.  This occasion provided an opportunity for Edgar Smith and Bertha Hale, who lived out of state, to visit with family and friends.  The day was one of renewing friendships, reminiscing old times and enjoying good food.  Because this day brought the six living children of Jackson and Mary together, along with other family members and friends, they decided that each year they would have a similar affair--thus, the beginning of the Smith-Foster family reunion.

The rich heritage of the Smith-Foster family is remembered and the tradition of the Smith-Foster Family Reunion is now carried on by the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren of Ben, Bertha, Lucy, Henry, Hattie, and Edgar.

We have come a long, long way.  Sixty years later we still come together to renew our friendships, meet our newest family members, reminisce old times, share our joys and pains, laugh, play, sing, dance, cry, and eat.  We don't know what the future holds for us, but we do know that God is our future and that He will continue to be the tie that binds the Smith-Foster family.  It is our prayer that our past and present struggles that strengthen us, the love of Christ and one another that sustain us, and our faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ which binds us, will be passed on to our children and our children's children so that they will continue the tradition of the Smith-Foster Family Reunion for years and years to come.


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