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| There is not really much to tell I work as a police dispatcher in a
university environment. I hope to someday work as either paid EMS, or as a law
enforcement officer in the university environment.
| As far as hobbies, I do several different things. I hunt, fish, and
trap most all year long. In the winter, I'm trapping furbearers, and summertime, I'm
trapping damage causing animals, and turtles. Those of you who have never eaten
turtle, you do not know what you are missing. Other interests include amateur radio,
model building, and target shooting.
| I really enjoy keeping
reptiles. At this point I have a Pueblan Milk Snake (Herman), 2 Ball Pythons
(Gwenivere and King Author) and 2 Mali Uromastyxs (Fred and Ethel). All are great
pets. Gentle, easygoing, and best of all, they don't leave hair on the couch.