Chapter 128
The ride to the hotel was quiet. Jesse snuggled next to Richie, her head on his shoulder and her fingers laced with his. She had her eyes closed and her thoughts raced. Was Richie angry with her for what she'd said?
At the hotel, Richie led his two girls to the elevator, his hand on Jesse's lower back. There were a few fans in the lobby but Richie simply waved to them. He wanted to get Jesse to the room so she could go to sleep. He knew she was upset about what had happened with Elizabeth and he wanted to reassure her but he wanted to do it in the privacy of their bedroom.
Opening the door to the suite, Richie held it for Ava and Jesse and let it close gently behind him. He watched Jesse head to the bedroom and shook his head. He needed a drink.
Ava looked at her dad as he stood at the bar. "Is Jesse okay, Daddy?"
"She will be. Don't worry about her. Get yourself to bed, brat!"
"Yes sir," answered the young girl as she gave him a hug. "Give Jess a hug for me too please."
As soon as Ava was in her room, Richie headed to his room where he found Jesse on the balcony. He moved to her and wrapped his arms around her kissing her on the back of her head.
Jesse ran her hands across his arms as she once more closed her eyes to fight the tears that threatened to fall. She took a deep breath before asking, "Are you mad at me?"
"Baby, why would I be mad at you?"
"Because of what I said to Elizabeth."
"Not hardly. You did make on mistake what you said."
"What was that?"
"There is someone else who knows what I want."
Jesse looked over her shoulder at him. "Who?"
"Yes! You know what I want and you're giving it to me every day you're in my life."
"I'm sorry I let her get to me."
Richie turned her to face him and with a finger, tilted her face up to his. "You have nothing to apologize for, Jessica," and he placed a kiss on her lips. "I love you."
Jesse ran her fingers through his hair. "I love you too. Take me to bed, Rich."
Richie easily scooped her up in his arms and carried her back into the room where he set her on her feet. Lovingly, he undressed her and coaxed her into their bed where he tucked her in.
"Go to sleep, baby."
"Are you coming to bed?"
"As soon as I get undressed."
"Please don't take too long. I need your arms holding me," she whispered as she gave in to the tears.
Richie wiped the tears away. "I won't be long. I need to feel you in my arms."
It didn't take him long and in just a few short minutes, Richie slid into the bed and wrapped Jesse in his arms. She rested her head on his shoulder, her hand on his chest, and closed her eyes letting his warmth ease the pain in her body.
Richie ran his fingers lightly across her arm. "Are you okay?"
"I am now. My head and side hurts."
"Do you need something for the pain?"
"I've got all I need right here in your arms," she yawned.
Richie kissed her forehead. "Baby, I know Elizabeth upset you tonight and she said some rather nasty things but I promise, you have nothing to worry about."
Jesse's breathing had slowed and when she didn't respond, he looked down to see that she was asleep. He smiled and reached to cut off the light.