Chapter 135
The phone rang and Jesse rolled over without opening her eyes to answer it. "Mmmm," she moaned.
"Good morning, my sweet addiction," he greeted warmly. "How did you sleep?"
"Mmm, considering I didn't have your arms around me, pretty good," she replied with a smile in her voice. She still hadn't opened her eyes but she could smell the aromatic aroma. "What about you?"
"Tossed and turned all night. Are you awake now?"
"I guess so."
"Open your eyes and sit up."
Jesse did as he requested and her mouth dropped opened. "!! RICHIE! When? How?"
"After we got back from the club...around three. You were absolutely beautiful sleeping. Jon had to drag me out of the room."
"You came into my room?"
"I sprinkled the roses petals on the bed. In a few minutes, Ashley is going to bring you breakfast."
"You are so good to me."
"Because I love you. I'll see you in three hours, baby."
"Yeah, Jess."
"I will love you until the end of time."
"Enjoy your breakfast."
Jesse hung up as Ashley came through the door carrying a tray. "Good morning, sunshine! Here is your breakfast, compliments of a certain sexy guitarist in one of THE hottest bands in the WORLD!"
"He just told me you'd be bringing it in. Ash, look at all the roses...and the rose petals. He's so amazing!"
"Of course he is. He picked you, didn't he?"
"Yeah, he did....with some help from you! Thank you so much for getting him to ask me out for a drink."
"Jess, he was already watching you. I caught HIM staring at you. You two were destined to be your dad was watching and made sure it happened. Now, ENJOY your breakfast."
"What about you?"
"Sexy rock god sent ALL of us breakfast this morning. I'm gonna go get a shower while I can. When you're done, I'll come get the tray and you can get your bubble bath!"
"Thank you for being here.'
"Where else would I be? My best friend has won big and I have to be here to celebrate with her."