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Chapter 27

After the encounter with Kevin, Jesse and Richie were able to refocus on their evening and were thrilled to talk to Leigh and Howie.  When it was time to leave, Richie slipped his keys into her hand as they made their way out of the restaurant.

“Rich?” she asked looking up at him.

“I’ve had too much to drink and we’re about to be in the spotlight.  I don’t need any more attention getting caught driving.”

Jesse smiled, “Okay.”

As they exited the restaurant, the couple was holding hands and Richie made it known that yes, they were dating.  When asked if they were in love, Richie looked into her eyes and said, “Very much.”

The drive home was quiet except for Richie giving her directions and the radio.  He had his arm stretched across the console resting on her thigh, caressing it softly.

At home, Jesse kicked off her shoes, shed her jacket, and set her hat with her jacket before collapsing into the over-stuffed couch.

Richie looked at her as she closed her eyes.  “How do you feel?”

“I’m okay.  I’ve slept more in the last four days than I have in the last four years.”

Richie sat down beside her and she moved to lean against him.  “Jesse, I’m sorry about the way I acted at the restaurant with Kevin.”

“You were just protecting me.”

“How about a walk on the beach?”

“Ummm, sounds wonderful but I haven’t worn heels this long in FOREVER.  Can we do it some other time?”

“Of course.  Get use to the dressing up though.  There will be parties even when we are on tour.”

“Richie, what happened to you and Heather?”

“My music.  The group had called it quits right before Ava was born…or about that time. Heather was thrilled because we had a new baby and I would be around.  Her being ‘stuck’ in LA filming her series and me on the road constantly was a strain but we managed to make it work.  One day, Jon called…said he wanted to get back to writing we use to in the beginning.  Heather got ticked and while I was in New York, she filed for divorce.”

“It wasn’t because you were having an affair?”

“I was always faithful to her…it was the constant touring and when we took breaks, I was always with Jon.”

“How are we going to be any different?  You’re on tour now for the next two years.”

Richie took her hand in his.  “Because I learned from my mistakes with Heather and you aren’t tied to your job.”

Jesse yawned but didn’t say anything.  She was thinking about everything Heather had said.  There was a long silence while he simply held her hand, his thumb caressing the back of it.

“Go change,” instructed Richie letting go of her hand.

“What are we going to do?”

“Go change and find out.”

Jesse gave him a kiss before heading to the bedroom.  He heard her squeal of delight and knew she’d found the gown he’d left her.  He moved about the room dimming the lights and turning up the gas logs.  Then he grabbed his guitar and sat on the ottoman in front of a chair near the fireplace.  He strummed softly as he thought about Jesse and all that she meant to him.

She floated in wearing the white satin gown he’d bought for her.  When she saw the romantic glow and heard the guitar music, she felt all warm inside.  He really was a romantic.

Seeing her, Richie said, “Come on, sit in front of me.”

Jesse moved to the chair and curled up with her feet underneath her.  “Thank you for the gown.”

“It’s beautiful on you.  Got a request?”

“I know you don’t like to play your own stuff but would you play ‘In It For Love’?”

Richie began to play, closing his eyes as he sang.  A tear rolled down his cheek mid-way through the song but he kept playing.  When he was done, he set his guitar down and took her hands in his.  “Jesse, this morning, on the plane, I wanted to tell you something but I stopped….I was afraid to.”

“Richie, you don’t have to explain.”

“Yeah, I do.”  Richie looked down at her hands in his and he closed his eyes to imagine her hands on his body.  Opening his eyes, he looked into hers and saw her soul, her love, her trust.  With one hand, he reached up to cup her cheek.  “Jessica, I love you.”

“I love you too,” she said softly placing her hand on his.

He leaned in covering her lips with his own, caressing them softly.  His fingers traced the line of her jawbone from her chin to her ear and then tangled in her hair.

Breaking the kiss, he said, “Until you, Heather was the only woman I’d ever truly loved and when she left me because of my music, it hurt like hell.  I swore I’d never allow myself to be hurt like that again.”

“Why me?”

“Because you love my music.”

“It’s part of you…it shows your soul and I love watching you when you play.  You get into your music so much.”  She looked into his eyes.  “You wrote some of the songs on the ‘Undiscovered Soul’ album for Heather, didn’t you?”


“Why did you play it for me?”

“Because you asked me to.  Jesse, I would give you anything you asked for.”

“Play some more for me.”

“Your request is my command.”

Sitting back, Richie picked up his guitar and began to play.  He played more love songs, singing to some, humming some, and simply playing the others.  His emotions played on his face, in his eyes, his love pouring out in the music.

Jesse lay her head on the arm of the chair as she watched him play.  His soul drifted to her on the music and wrapped around her soothing her to sleep.

Richie set his guitar down and scooped her up in his arms.  “Come on beautiful outlaw…let’s put you to bed.”

With her head on his shoulder, Richie carried her to his bedroom placing her in the bed.  He pulled the covers over her and placed a kiss on her forehead.  “Sweet dreams, Jessica.”

Chapter 28        Index