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Chapter 4

“Hey, Carly.  How is Stevie doing?” 

“I got him to go to sleep after you called earlier and he’s still sleeping.” 

“What was his temp?” 

“One o one point four.  Jesse, relax.  Stevie will be fine and I can handle it.” 

“I know and I do trust you.  I’m just….” 

“Being the wonderful mom that you are and I understand.  Don’t feel guilty for doing something for yourself, Jesse.  Have fun!” 

“Oh my god!  You will NOT believe where I am!  Richie Sambora was at the photo gallery….” And she told Carly everything that had been going on. 

“Jesse, that’s sooo AWESOME!  You are NUTS about him and he is CLEARLY diggin’ you!”

“Yeah, but he’s old enough to be my father.  Hell!  He IS older than my father would have been.” 

“So?  You know he likes younger women.  Just enjoy!  He’s not asking you to marry him.  He just wants to see you!” 

“I know you’re right.  Look, he’s going to give me tickets to the Charlotte show and he wants me to bring Stevie.  Do you want to come too?” 


“Cool.”  The door to the green room opened and a crowd of babbling women entered with several of Bon Jovi’s security guards.  “I’ve gotta go.  The room is getting crowded and I don’t want to say anything that can be used to hurt Richie.  Text me if anything changes.”

“I promise!  Have fun and give Jon a kiss for me.”

Chapter 5        Index