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Chapter 42

Jesse sat at her computer listening to Richie’s interview.  She loved hearing his voice whether he was talking or singing.  Her heart stopped as the DJ asked if he could get personal then soared as Richie told the Dallas listeners all about her.

Out of nowhere, she felt his hands on her shoulders as he said, “Sounds like he’s serious about you.”

Jesse smiled as she looked up at him, “Yeah.”

“He wasn’t too happy about me staying here with you.”

“No, he wasn’t,” she answered turning her chair to face him.  “How long are you staying?”

“A week,” he replied as he took a seat on the futon.

That stunned her, “You didn’t want Richie to know, did you?”

“You must not have wanted him to know either.  You didn’t ask while he was here,” he countered.  He reached out to take her hands.  “Are you going to tell him now?”

“Yes, as soon as I talk to him again.  I’m not going to keep anything from him.  Richie rescued me…he fixed the hole in my heart and tore down the wall I’d built to protect myself after you hurt me.”

“I’m sorry, Jesse.  I never meant to hurt you.”

She shook her head.  “What did you think would happen?  You knew how I felt about you.”

Hanging his head, he whispered, “Yeah, I did.”

Jesse regretted bringing up the past so she changed the subject.  “What have you been doing?”

“Working on my acting and on Ronin Studios.”

“I saw you in the Hallmark movie you did.  You were pretty good.”


Kevin started to say something but Jesse’s phone went off and she answered it.  “Hey you!  I thought you’d be in the air by now….Oh!  Are you going to make it to Dallas on time?....That’s good.  I don’t want Jon mad at me….Yes, I just finished listening to it….I loved it….Yes, he’s here with me now…..He’s staying a week…..Richie, I love YOU, not him… don’t need to worry.  Tony’s here too but you’re the only one I want to be with….I’m headed to bed soon….Call me tomorrow?.....I love you too.” 

Jesse turned her phone off as Kevin asked, “He’s not happy, is he?”

“No, he’s not.”

“Jesse, be careful.  Richie is known for his playing.  He’s hooked you with the way he’s stepped up to help you and Stevie.  He’s going to hurt you far worse than I did.”

“Why do you care?”

“Because you’re Stevie’s mother and I do care about you.”

“Do you really care, Kevin, or are you jealous?  Did you come here thinking Richie would be on the road and you’d be able to get me into bed?” she asked angrily.

“What is your damn problem?  If you didn’t want me in your life, why in the hell did you give me the choice?”

“Because I truly hoped you’d give up your rights.  I wanted Richie to adopt him so I’d be free of you!  Yes, I named Stevie after Richie to piss you off, to hurt you the way you hurt me! Every time I look at you, I remember that night…I remember you telling me you’d leave Kristen and be with me.  I remember you pushing into me, telling me how special I was to you, that you loved me, and then waking up the next morning to an empty bed…no note, nothing!  Not even a phone call.”  Tears were streaming down her cheeks now and she tried to leave but Kevin held on to her hands.  “Don’t, Kevin!  Please let me go!”

“No, Jesse!  You’re going to listen to me!”  Kevin said calmly holding on to her hands as she struggled to get away.

Before he could say anything, Tony stepped into the room.  Coolly, he asked, “Jesse, is everything okay?”

Kevin let go of her and she wiped her tears.  “Its fine, ‘T’.  Kevin was just trying to cheer me up.”

“That’s NOT what I heard.”

“It’s okay, Tony….really.  I’m going to bed.”

She grabbed her phone and left the two men staring after her. 

Keeping his voice low so Jesse wouldn’t hear, he warned, “Back off.”

In her room, Jesse opened her phone and sent Richie a text.  She knew he wouldn’t get it until he got to Dallas but she still sent it.


Chapter 43        Index