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Chapter 55

“There are four people in the upstairs,” reported an agent.  “There does appear to be a basement but we can’t see into it.”

“What about Jesse?  Is she one of those four people?” asked Tony.

“The only female we saw looked to be in her forties.  The other three are males – two fairly young, teenagers or young adults – and the other the same age as the female.”

Agent Hunt saw the worry in Tony’s eyes.  “They probably have her in the basement.”

“Everyone’s in place.  Just say the word.”

Agent Hunt looked at his watch.  “Let’s go!  The only ones we’re after at the moment are the two older ones.”

The signal was given and Tony sat back to wait.  He hated this part but he knew it was far easier for him then it was for Richie.  He looked at his watch and knew that his boss was supposed to be getting ready for the show.

Within fifteen minutes, the agents had Tina and Todd in handcuffs and Jesse had been freed from the basement. 

Jesse was sitting on the couch in the living room but when she saw Tony, she jumped up and rushed into his arms, tears flowing. 

As the big guy held her, his own tears began to fall.  He said, “Are you really okay?”

“I’m hungry; I feel gross; and my head hurts; but once I’m in Richie’s arms, I’ll be perfect.”

“Miss James, I’m Agent Blake Hunt.  I have a private jet standing by to take you to Tampa.”

“Really?” she asked pulling away from Tony.

“As soon as you’re ready.  I’m going to send an agent with you to take your statement.  Is there anything you need in the room where they had you?”

“No, but they did sell my engagement ring.  Can you get it back?”

“I’ll do my best.”

“And my purse?”

Tony spoke up, “Billy found that in New York…it’s why he went ahead and called the cops.”

“My phone?”

“Is toast.”  Eyeing Todd, Tony said, “Someone put a heel into it.”

About that time, Frankie and the younger boy were brought into the room with Jesse and Tony.  The agent with them said, “They weren’t involved.”

“What will happen to them?” asked Jesse.

“They’re free to go,” said Agent Hunt. 

Jesse moved to Frankie to hug him.  “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

Jesse had seen the condition of the house.  “You can’t stay here.  Come with me…you can go home, to the farm Mama took you away from.”

“Are you serious?”

“Very.  Richie will get you and….”

“This is Dakota.  Dakota, this is our older sister, Jesse.”

“Hey, Dakota,” smiled Jesse.  “Richie will get you both a flight back to Virginia.”  Looking at her younger brother, she asked, “Ever been to a Bon Jovi concert?”

“No,” he replied shyly.  “Mama never allowed me to go to concerts.”

“Are you a fan?”

“Of course!!  They are one of the greatest bands around.”

Jesse smiled, “You’re right.  Go pack your stuff…as much as you can.  You aren’t coming back here.”

“Jesse, are you sure?” questioned Frankie.  “What about school for him?”

“We’ll worry about that later. Now hurry up.”

Jesse’s two brothers went back to pack a bag while she talked to the agents.  When they were ready, they were all escorted to the waiting jet.

Chapter 56       Index