Chapter 80
Jon and Dave joined Tico as he sat with Jesse. As they talked over the situation with Kevin, Jesse’s phone rang and Jon looked at the caller ID.
“It’s Kevin,” he announced.
“Let me take it,” said Tico reaching for the phone.
“Put it on speaker so we can all hear.”
Tico pressed ‘speaker’ first, then ‘send.’. “Tico here. How can I help you?”
On the other end, Kevin recognized Tico. “Where’s Jessica?” he demanded.
“Asleep or passed out?”
“I said she was asleep. What’s your purpose for calling?”
“I expected Sambora to answer.”
“He’s getting a shower. We just finished a show. Can I take a message?”
“Tell him I’m in Virginia.”
“Did you even leave after your unannounced visit to Stevie?”
“That’s none of your business. Let Sambora know that if he doesn’t want Jesse to lose her son, he’ll bring her and Stevie back to Virginia immediately and walk away from them completely. Otherwise, I will file for sole custody. He has until Monday morning to decide.”
Richie had heard Kevin’s ultimatum but remained silent as he took a seat on the couch. He put his hand on Jesse to play with her hair as he listened to the conversation.
Jon spoke up, “Are you THAT hell-bent on making Jesse’s life miserable?”
A different voice surprised Kevin. “I’m not making her life miserable…I’m trying to protect her from getting hurt again.”
“You know she doesn’t like being the ‘other’ woman?” asked Dave.
Kevin hesitated and Richie knew then that was what he had intended. Looking at Tico, he shook his head.
Tico understood what Richie was trying to say. “Richardson, Richie loves Jesse and thinks of Stevie as his own. There is no way he is going to walk away from either one of them and we aren’t going to let you get away with this without a fight. You do whatever it is you think you need to do and we’ll see you in court.”
Kevin ended the connection and the four men looked at each other. The first to act was Jon as he pulled out his cell phone and pressed a speed-dial number.
“Hey, sorry for the late hour but we need you in Virginia as soon as possible….a custody case…” Jon laughed, “No, not one of ours, well, not technically.” He looked at Richie, “Where do you fly in and out of Virginia?”
“Richmond…it’s only like an hour from Jess’ house.”
“Richmond. Give me a call back and one of us will meet you. Thanks.”
Tico looked at Richie. “Go get your things and Jesse’s together.”
“What are we going to do?”
taking the bus back to Virginia. I’ll call Tony and get him to handle the hotel
and get the boys back to Virginia.”
Dave spoke up, “I’ll go let the driver know we’re taking the bus. Give me Jess’
address so he can get a route.”
“Thanks,” said Richie gratefully as he pulled out his wallet and handed Dave a card with Jesse’s address on it. Then he looked down at her. “She’s going to feel like crap in the morning and I’m NOT looking forward to telling her Kevin’s demands.”
“Richie, you do know that if this goes to court, it’s going to get ugly,” said Jon.
“Yeah, I know….my past is going to be a problem for her but I can’t change it now.” Richie caressed her cheek as he said softly, “I’m going to be your superman, baby.”