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Chapter 89

Sunday afternoon found the 'gang' hanging out in the yard talking and laughing as they shared stories about growing up, touring, or whatever came up.

"How long are you guys going to hang around?" asked Jesse as she leaned against Richie.

"A few more days," said Jon.

"I'm going to try to get a court date this week," said Jack.

"And we want to be here for it," said Tico.

"Thanks, guys," sighed Jesse.

"Then, we're going to see David's musical," said Richie.

"Haven't ya'll already seen it?"

"Yes, but you haven't."


"And YOU have a wedding to start planning," reminded David.

"Dorothea is joining me tonight to lend you a hand," said Jon.

"Alejandra is coming too," said Tico.

"Thank you," whispered Jesse as she wiped tears.

"Oh, and Nikki will be here Tuesday to work on your dress," added Richie.

"I thought you two were going to London," said Tico.

Jesse shook her head, "We were but I'd rather hang here, let Richie's clothing line make my dress."

As they were talking a car pulled in and all eyes turned to see who it was.

"Isn't that...." started Frank.

"Yeah, it's Kevin and it looks like he has Stevie with him," said Jesse as Kevin got out of the vehicle.  She got up and started towards the car followed by Richie.  "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I brought Stevie home."  Kevin reached into the car to get Stevie's bag and handed it to Richie.  "He misses you."

"Does this mean you're dropping your custody suit?"

"Still thinking about it."

"What about all the stuff at school?" asked Richie.

"I never changed it.  I was waiting to see what you were going to do."

"Thank you, Kevin," and Jesse gave him a hug.

"I don't like seeing you or Stevie upset," said Kevin as he held Jesse in his arms.  It was probably a little longer and a little closer than he should have but he wanted to feel her next to him.  Seeing Richie's frown, he let her go.  "I'm...ah, going back to the house."

"Are you sure you don't want to hang out here for a little while?" asked Jesse.

"I don't think it would be a good idea."

"Before you go, I'm taking Jesse to New York to see a Broadway show."


"Yeah.  Are you hanging around?"

"Until school's out.  I know you have some shows in May and Jesse's going to want to go with you."

"Stevie can stay with you while Richie and I are out of town...and on weekends."

"Thanks.  I'll see you later."

"I'll call you later in the week to let you know our plans."

Richie and Jesse stepped back to watch Kevin get back in his vehicle and leave.  As soon as he was out of sight, Jesse turned into Richie's arms, hugging him.

"Oh my god!  He brought Stevie home."

"It's a good sign, baby," agreed Richie.  "Just do me a favor."


"Don't get your hopes up."


"He's playing the game, Jess.  He's doing what it takes to put himself in a good light and he hasn't said he's dropping anything."

"He's thinking about it though."

"What's there to think about, Jesse?  If he truly didn't want to upset you, he'd never have done any of this.  I know you want to believe Kevin isn't really out to hurt you but I don't want to see you get hurt either.  Don't let your guard down until we get custody resolved.  Let Jack get the court date to hear your case; let a judge say he has to do what you two already agreed upon."

Jesse looked up at him and put her hands on his chest.  "I trust you and your judgment.  I'll do what you asked but I hope you're wrong."

"Believe it or not, I do too.  I don't want Stevie to grow up and resent his father for what is going on now."  Brushing her hair back, he said, "Let's go enjoy having Stevie home."


Chapter 90        Index