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Chapter 92

As Jesse headed to Kevin's, Tico asked, "Isn't this Clay guy you called Stevie's coach?"

"Yeah, but he's also a deputy sheriff."

"You know Richie's going to be pissed?"

"I'd rather he be pissed at me than going off on Kevin.  I can fix that."  Jesse pulled up in front of Kevin's house and as they got out, Richie pulled up.  "He looks pissed."

"Told you," snickered Tico.

"Did you have that cop stop me?" demanded Richie as he got out of the Excursion.

"Yes, I did.  Richie, please...confronting Kevin is NOT the answer."

"Don't get in my way, Jessica.  Tico, take her home."

"No, Richie.  You need to listen to her," insisted Tico as he stepped in front of Richie who was side-stepping Jesse.

Jesse moved to be in front of him now and put her hands on his sides as she looked into his eyes. She knew she had to calm him down.  "Richie, I adore you and I'm flattered that you want to protect me but one of the things I love the most about you is your maturity.  This is something a guy my age would do.  You've kept me focused; you've kept me from giving Kevin ammunition for court; you've helped me to hold on to the knowledge that I have been a good mother to Stevie and that is worth a lot.  Please, I can't take you losing it this close to the end.  Take me home and let's have dinner.  Afterwards, you can take me to bed and distract me the way only you can."

"Jess, he took advantage of you being asleep.  It could be considered attempted rape."

"And it's my word against you said."

"That's why I want to confront him about it.  It's going to catch up to him and I'm going to be the one who nails him for it."

"Then WAIT for that to happen!  It's not like you to do this, Richie!  Please, before Kevin sees us out here, let's go."

"Too late," said Kevin from behind her.  "What's going on?"

"Nothing Kevin.  I just wanted to stop by and tell Stevie about his new drum kit," offered Tico.

"He's in the house...playing his new drum kit that I bought him today.  He's pretty good.

"You are SUCH AN ASS!" growled Richie as he tried to step towards Kevin.  "You can't stand for ANYONE to do something for Stevie and you can't stand that Jesse has finally seen you for who you really are and saw past that pretty boy-band image."

"Like she did any better...a used-up old man with a drinking problem."

"As least I don't have to use a child to get her...or take advantage of her being asleep.  You're a damned coward and I ought to beat the hell out of you."

"Come on, Sambora.  Take your best shot."

Richie once more tried to take a step towards Kevin but Jesse hold on to him.  "STOP IT!  This is ridiculous...BOTH of you!  You're grown men acting like teenagers.  What is beating the crap out of each other going to solve?"  Turning around to face him, Jesse said, "Kevin, I told you this weekend that I wanted us to be friends, get along, and share custody but you've gone ahead with your own custody suit.  Fine, do what you have to do and if you win and cut us out of Stevie's life, you will lose your son too.  He's going to grow up, learn exactly what you did, and HATE you for the rest of his life.  Taking him away from me is not going to get me to come crawling back to you either.  I will always care about you - you were my first and you're Stevie's father but I am deeply in love with Richie.  I plan to spend my life with give him children, to support him in his career or charities, and to be HIS FIRST PRIORITY.  You can use tonight against me in court; I don't care.  I know in my heart that I have been the best mother I could possibly be to Stevie and I don't regret falling in love with Richie.  I'm tired of this game you're playing.  When Stevie was born, you made it perfectly clear that you didn't want to be in his life other than to send a check once a month.  When Richie decided he wanted to be a father to was boom, you wanted to win 'Father of the Year'.  Well, go for it, you do whatever you think it takes."

Jesse was in tears by now and Richie, with his hands on her shoulders, said, "That about covers it.  We'll see you in court, Richardson."

The threesome turned to the vehicles as Tico said, "Jess, ride with Richie and I'll follow you guys."

Kevin stood watching as Richie opened the passenger door for Jesse and they pulled away before going back inside.

Chapter 93        Index