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Pairing: Spike/Vampire
Description: A completed story of any length, rating, or genre that focuses upon Spike's life as a vampire. This story must portray a clever and insightful view of a vampire's life, as well as demonstrating the bond between vampire mates/lovers.
Winner Announced: September 30th, 2003.
Accepting Suggestions? Yes. Suggest A Story

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Summer 2003 Winner

March 2003 Winner

February 2003 Winner

January 2003 Winner

All BtVS characters are property of Joss Whedon and his associates; I am in no way making money off of his original creations. This awards' site was created by Kantayra and should not be duplicated elsewhere without permission. All stories/art are property of their original authors and should not be used elsewhere without permission. All awards/graphics were done with Microsoft Photo Editor 3.0 and online Gifworks v.3.0.