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Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Description: For an outstanding completed saga (at least ten chapters, unless the chapters are really long) that explores all facets of the Buffy/Spike romantic relationship. Can be set at any time or place, even an AU. This award is given to those stories that have become the must-read 'classics' of the Spuffy genre.
Winner Announced: September 30th, 2003.
Accepting Suggestions? No.

See Previous Winners

Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Description: Awarded to an NC17 story (generally a fairly short PWP) that has a particularly creative and unique way of getting the lovely bleached couple in bed together. Because we're all 'slaves to smut' and are just itching for innovative (or sometimes bluntly straightforward) ways of getting Spike's tab A into Buffy's slot B... ^_^
Winner Announced: September 30th, 2003.
Accepting Suggestions? Yes. Suggest A Story

See Previous Winners

Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Description: Up to three given every month for a completed story of any type, length, or rating that fits the holiday of that given month. (Note: These awards will be presented on the holiday itself as opposed to the last day of the month.)
Winners Announced: September 30th, 2003 - Back To School.
Accepting Suggestions? Yes - for the September Session Back To School. Buffy. Spike. Academic setting. Not too tough, right? And, if you can't think of any for this month, feel free to find some Halloween stories for the October session. So, c'mon and nominate... Suggest A Story

See Previous Winners

Pairing: Spike/Vampire
Description: A completed story of any length, rating, or genre that focuses upon Spike's life as a vampire. This story must portray a clever and insightful view of a vampire's life, as well as demonstrating the bond between vampire mates/lovers.
Winner Announced: September 30th, 2003.
Accepting Suggestions? Yes. Suggest A Story

See Previous Winners

Pairing: Buffy/Spike, or either separately
Description: A fanart award given to a Spuffy-themed piece of fanart of extraordinary beauty and skill.
Winner Announced: September 30th, 2003.
Accepting Suggestions? Yes. Suggest Fanart

See Previous Winners

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