
Rated a STRONG NC-17!! Do not read if you are underage!

This fic is an AU PWP. Not much story to speak of, just some (hopefully) smokin' hot sex.

Summary: AU fic. Buffy gets pulled over for speeding on her way to L.A. She and the cop have immediate chemistry...

Warnings for: Graphic depictions of sex, older man/younger woman, anal, a 'toy' is used during sex

Joss and ME own BtVS and the characters. I'm just borrowing them.

Thanks to Natalie for encouraging me to stick with it and finish this fic. Thanks to Sweetie for beta-ing for me! You rock!

The song, "I Touch Myself" is by the Divinyls The song, "Radar Love" is by Golden Earring

This fic is just a fantasy, real law enforcement officers don't engage in this sort of activity. No offense is intended. If you have issues with a cop getting together with someone he stopped for speeding, please don't read any further.


Chapter 1 * Chapter 2 * Chapter 3 * Chapter 4


Chapter 1

18-year-old Buffy Summers sped down the highway on her way to L.A.

It was a bright and sunny Friday afternoon. Her candy-apple red Corvette convertible hummed along the road. The top was down, the wind made her long, blonde hair trail out behind her and whip around.

Buffy was singing along with the radio. Singing 'Radar Love' at the top of her lungs:

"When I get lonely and I'm sure I've had enough She sends her comfort coming in from above We don't need a letter at alllllll!"

Buffy was heading to L.A. to spend a few days with her dad, Hank. She hadn't seen a lot of him since her parents' divorce three years ago. Of course, she'd jumped at the chance to spend some Daddy/Daughter quality time when he called her a week ago.

Although she hadn't seen her dad for a while, he still loved spoiling her rotten. Her Corvette was a graduation present from dear old Dad. Buffy had racked up an impressive pile of speeding tickets in the few months she'd had her car. She had a led foot. Speeding was a compulsion for her. It just didn't seem right to go slow in the Corvette (or Lucy, as she'd christened it), her baby could burn some serious rubber. Buffy loved opening Lucy up on the highway, feeling the wind in her hair and hearing the purr of the engine.

Buffy continued singing:

"We got a thing that's called radar love We got a line in the sky-y We got a thing that's called radar lo-ove We got a thing that's called--"

She stopped singing abruptly when she heard the whine of a siren. Her eyes darted to the rearview mirror. A motorcycle cop (a CHiPpy) was waving her over.

"Oh SHIT! Oh noooooo!
No--no--no--no--nooooo! I can't get another fucking ticket!" Buffy griped. "Shit--shit--shit--shit--shit!"

Grumbling, she slowed down, looking for a safe spot to pull over. Buffy checked her mirror again. It was a male officer...Maybe she could use her feminine wiles on him to get out of the ticket. Though, with her luck, he was probably gay.

Buffy pulled off to the side of the road. Quickly, she adjusted her white sundress: Making sure a goodly amount of cleavage was showing, and hiking the skirt up her lap to reveal some creamy thigh. She raked her fingers through her wind-whipped hair to smooth it down. Then she applied more cherry lip gloss. She smacked her lips together to distribute the gloss evenly. Buffy was ready to turn on the old Summers' charm.

The cop walked up to her door.

Buffy looked up at him, smiling sweetly. "Good afternoon, officer. Is there a problem?" She batted her thick eyelashes at him.

"Afternoon, Miss." The way he said 'Miss' made it obvious that he was British. Buffy's smile widened. "You were going 15 miles over the limit."

"Oh, really? I had no idea!" Buffy put a hand to her chest in mock-shock. "These cars can really get away from you if you're not careful, can't they? I just got it a little while ago, I guess I'm not used to it yet, Officer--" She read his nameplate, it read: 'Off. W. Giles'. "Officer Giles."

Buffy always had a thing--a BIG thing--for men in uniform. And this one had an English accent--Yum! She saw her smiling reflection in his mirrored sunglasses.

He loosened the chin strap of his round helmet. "Driver's License and Registration, please," he said in a no-nonsense way.

"Oh...ok, sure." Buffy retrieved her license and registration and handed them over.

His lips looked so soft, full and kissable. He didn't seem to be affected by her skimpy dress or her sweet, 'butter wouldn't melt in my mouth' demeanor. Her plan wasn't working--he was having an affect on her however. She wasn't the one who was supposed to be getting hot.

"I'm going to run your information through the computer. Sit tight." He walked back to his bike.

Buffy watched his ass in the side mirror as he walked away. She sucked in air and pursed her lips.

"Speaking of tight...Oh, that's right, baby...Walk away...Uh-huh...Mmmmm!"

Damn, he had a fine ass! Those tan uniforms were so tight and sexy. Maybe she could ask him out?

Buffy felt a stab of guilt. Technically, she already had a boyfriend. Angel O'Connor. But things had been going stale at an alarming rate over the last few months. Angel never had time for her anymore--he was always going somewhere or too busy with college to go out with her. And the sex? The sex sucked donkey balls. Angel was a 'one-trick pony', he was finished before she knew it had even started. He'd put his dick in her, pump a few times, grunt then roll onto his back. What the hell was their sex life going to be like in 10 years? Or 20? Buffy shuddered with revulsion.

Perhaps it was time to--expand her horizons, so to speak. Perhaps, this hot-looking cop could fill in some gaps...there was one gap in particular that she would love him to fill...Buffy was going to make sure to check out his package when he came back--those uniforms didn't leave much to the imagination.

Officer Giles came back to the car and gave her back her license and registration, sans his helmet. His hair was bleached blonde (not something Buffy would expect on a cop), not a lot of guys could pull it off, but it looked damn good on him.

"Do you have to write me a ticket?" Buffy asked, discreetly checking out his crotch.

Her eyes bugged out slightly before she could hide her reaction.

'Shit! It looks like he has a fucking cucumber down his pants!' She felt moisture bubbling between her legs.

Officer Giles, took of his mirrored sunglasses and smiled. Buffy's heart skipped several beats. His eyes were amazing--such a gorgeous, shining, deep blue. And that smile--Wow--it was a smile that could make a woman spontaneously wet her panties. It certainly had that affect on her. Good God--those cheekbones! They were sharp and so very hot--she wanted to touch them, to see what they'd feel like under her fingertips.

"You were breaking the speed limit, Miss Summers. I'm afraid I--"

"Oh, you don't have to, do you?" Buffy said, turning to him and putting her arms on top of her door. "Couldn't you just give me a good, stern warning? I promise, I won't do it again..."

Buffy could feel a pull towards him--something tugging her to him. He was hot, he was sexy and he looked so fucking yummy in his uniform. She had a vivid fantasy of him jumping in the car with her and fucking her brains out right here and now on the side of the road. She wanted him to--she wanted him to real bad.

He looked at her for several moments. "You won't, eh?"

"Cross my heart." Buffy leaned back and made an X over her chest--making sure to thrust her boobs out.

"Maybe I'll let you go with a warning, just this once..."

"Oh! Oh, thank you! You're so sweet!"

He smiled again. "Yeah, that's me. Sweet as the day is long. Be on your way then, Miss. And drive safely."

Before Buffy could say anything else, he walked back to his bike. She bit her lip, trying to decide if she should pursue him; throw caution to the wind and ask him out. She took too long though. By the time she decided to go for it, he was speeding past her down the highway to resume his patrol.

"Dammit!" Buffy pouted. Then she shook her head, laughing. "It was a dumb idea anyway."

She started her car and continued on to L.A.

The stop, from his point of view...

William "Spike" Giles was patrolling his usual stretch of highway. He liked living in California. He'd moved here several years ago with his father from London. The beaches, the sun, the lovely girls wearing swimsuits--you couldn't beat The Sunshine State.

Spike was pulled over talking with HQ on his radio, when a blur of red went whizzing past him.

"Gotta go," he said into his radio, "I've got a speeder."

He started up his motorcycle and went after the red car. He activated his lights and siren then indicated that the driver should pull over.

Once she (it appeared to be a she judging by the long hair) pulled over, he dismounted his bike and made his way to the car. These spoiled rich kids really ticked him off--thinking they owned the highway in their shiny, expensive cars that daddy had bought for them. Regular working stiffs like him couldn't afford a vehicle like that in a hundred years.

Spike walked up to her door and looked down at her. His breath caught in his throat, his eyes bugged out behind his mirrored shades. She was hot as hell! Her white sundress showed off her perky tits--they were just the way he liked them: B, maybe small C-cup, high and firm-looking. A wide expanse of smooth thigh was visible. Her dress must have blown up in the breeze. Her thighs were tanned and slender. Her face was very pleasing to the eye--she was lovely. Big green eyes, a cute little button nose, a moist looking, generous mouth. He'd just laid eyes on her and he was imagining what it would look like to have those shiny, red lips wrapped around his cock. God--What was wrong with him? He really wanted to fuck her!

Spike shook himself to regain his composure--hopefully she hadn't noticed his ogling. She was smiling at him. He realized that she'd said something that he'd missed while he was busy checking her out. She probably asked what she did wrong. He cleared his throat.

"Afternoon, Miss. You were going 15 miles over the limit."

"Oh, really? I had no idea!" She put a hand to her chest (as if she didn't know she was speeding). "These cars can really get away from you if you're not careful, can't they? I just got it a little while ago, I guess I'm not used to it yet, Officer--" She looked at his nameplate "Officer Giles."

'Bloody hell, this girl's flirting her ass off. Battin' those long eyelashes at me--like that will sway me... God, why does she have to smile at me like that? Bloody irresistible, it is...'

He loosened his chin strap. "Driver's License and Registration, please," he said in what he hoped sounded like a strong, authoritative tone.

"Oh...ok." She retrieved her license and registration and handed them over.

Spike noticed her eyes examining him.

"I'm going to run your information through the computer. Sit tight." He walked back to his bike, blowing out an explosive breath when he'd gotten a safe distance from her.

He called into headquarters, giving them Buffy Summers' information. He hoped she wasn't a wanted felon--he'd hate to have to arrest her. Then again...that would mean he'd get to frisk her. Have her up against the hood of the car, all bent over--her sweet ass (he knew it would have to be sweet, if the rest of her body was any indication) stuck up in the air...Once again, Spike shook his head to dispel the improperly sexy thoughts.

The dispatcher radioed back that a Miss Buffy Anne Summers was clean, no warrants, no arrests. And the Corvette did belong to her. He sighed with relief. After Spike acknowledged the information, he took off his helmet and set it on his bike. He was sweating like crazy--it wasn't just from the heat of the day either. He wiped his brow with the back of his hand. That hot little number was really getting him horny.

Spike took a few deep breaths then went back to the little red Corvette and its little blonde driver. He handed her license and registration back to her.

"Do you have to write me a ticket?" she asked, her eyes looking him over and resting on his groin area for a split second.

Her eyes bugged out a bit before she looked quickly back up at his face.

'Shit--she was looking at my crotch. Do I have a stiffy? Oh God--please don't let me be sporting wood...' Spike looked down at himself, relieved when he found that he wasn't erect--just a little stiffer than normal.

Spike, took of his mirrored sunglasses and smiled at her kindly. This girl certainly was a looker. Her hair was so blonde--the color of spun gold. It was long too, again, just the way he liked it. An image of himself fucking her from behind, tugging on a handful of that silky looking hair popped up in his mind.

'Gotta stop thinking like that, mate! She's 18--barely legal! And you just bloody met her--by pulling her over for speeding. Not exactly romantic...'

Spike struggled to do his job, despite his intense attraction to her.

"You were breaking the speed limit, Miss. I'm afraid I--"

"Oh, you don't have to, do you?" she said, turning to him and putting her arms on top of her door. "Couldn't you just give me a good, stern warning? I promise, I won't do it again?"

Damn, she was flirting shamelessly again. How could he possibly give this beautiful, unbelievably sexy girl a ticket? He couldn't do it.

Spike looked at her for several beats. "You won't, eh?"

"Cross my heart." She leaned back and made an X over her chest.

He swallowed hard as she crossed her chest. Her tits thrust out toward him. He wanted to tear that dress off and fuck the hell out of her. Her nipples were erect and jutting out against the fabric of her sundress. Spike licked his lips lightly. If only things could be different...He'd fuck her and suck on those hard nipples till they were red and raw, until she begged him to stop...

Again, he forced the thoughts away.

"Maybe I'll let you go with a warning, just this once..."

"Oh! Oh, thank you! You're so sweet!" she said excitedly.

To have her smile at him like that--to have her look so happy and relieved, it was worth putting his duty aside this one time.

Spike smiled again. "Yeah, that's me. Sweet as the day is long. Be on your way then, Miss. And drive safely."

He made a quick getaway. Spike was getting harder from his impure thoughts about her and didn't want her to see it. Had the girl really fancied him, or was it just the old 'chat up the cop to get out of the ticket' routine? Of course, it was the latter. Women did that sort of thing from time to time. He'd bought it hook, line and sinker. He laughed at his own foolishness; he could be such a wanker sometimes.

Spike strapped his helmet back on and started up his motorcycle. The sooner he got on with his patrol the better.

He sped past the blonde beauty's car and down the highway.

Spike shook his head and chuckled at his behavior. What had gotten into him anyway? It's not like he didn't see a lot of gorgeous, skimpily dressed girls through the course of his day. What was it about that one that had gotten to him like that?

He couldn't wait to finish his shift and take a very long, very cold shower.

Chapter 2

Buffy had a great time with her Dad that weekend. They went to see a movie, had dinner at a few restaurants, and best of all, they'd talked a lot.

Buffy had told him how much she missed him. Her Dad had told her how busy he'd been with work, but he promised to make more time to get together with her.

All in all, it was a great weekend. Thoughts of the uber-sexy Officer Giles never strayed too far from her mind. She'd really missed her chance--she'd really blown it...she wouldn't mind blowing something else...

It was late Sunday night. Buffy was racing down the deserted highway back towards home, towards Sunnydale. Her mother was expecting her back home before morning--she wanted to take her shopping or something. Her parents felt compelled to compete with each other. It didn't matter how many times she told them she loved them both the same. But anything that prompted a shopping trip was A-OK with Buffy.

Buffy was singing along with the radio again to keep herself company:

"I don't want anybody else When I think about you I touch myself I don't want anybody else Oh no, oh no, oh no--"

The sound of a police siren interrupted her.

"Noooo! Fuck! Not again!" Buffy cursed her rotten luck. She looked in the rearview and saw the flashing red and blue lights of a police motorcycle. "Who exactly are they protecting?! There's no one else on the road!"

A devilish smile curled up her lips. What if it was Officer Giles again? Buffy dismissed the thought. The odds against it being him were astronomical. Because 1) He obviously worked a day shift, and 2) There was no way she could get that lucky.

Buffy pulled over and readied her license and registration. She was wearing a cute, red sundress this time. She made sure that some cleavage and thigh were exposed. Sweet talk and flirtage had worked once this weekend, maybe it would work again.

"Good evening, Officer. What did I do wrong?" Buffy asked when the cop walked up to her window.

"Well, well..." he took off his helmet and leaned down, looking in her open window. "If it isn't Miss Summers again."

Buffy's heart thudded. It was him! Officer W. "Sugar Drawers" Giles!


"Fancy seeing you again under the same circumstances. You were speeding, and after you promised me you wouldn't." Spike shook his head, a small smile quirked at his lips.

"W-Was I? I--I didn't realize. Sorry." Buffy tried getting a handle on her surging lust.

He looked fantastic lit by the light of the dashboard--she doubted there was any light that would be unflattering to him. He was just that hot.

"You're going to give me a ticket this time, aren't you?" Buffy asked.

"'Fraid so," Spike replied regretfully.

Buffy wasn't concerned much about the ticket anymore. She had her mind (and the rest of her body) focused on the handsome, blonde cop. She'd let him slip through her fingers once, she wasn't going to let it happen again. They were all alone on this stretch of highway...Buffy decided to let her inner slut out to frolic, and behaving in a way that she never imagined she was capable.

"Oh my..." Buffy said.

"Is something wrong?" Spike asked.

"What a BIG nightstick you have." Buffy said eyeing the black club hanging from his hip. She shot him a naughty grin and looked up into his eyes through her lashes.

"Huh?" Spike asked, his eyes clouding over. He looked down at his nightstick. "Oh--uh--thanks?"

"Can I--touch it?" She bit her lip, giving him a saucy look.

Spike gulped, trying not to let his body react to what she was doing. He watched raptly as her tongue darted out and moistened her red, shiny lips. Any thoughts of duty or propriety flew right out the fucking window. He couldn't help how hot this girl was making him.

"You--want to touch it?"

"Oh yeah," Buffy said breathily and nodded.

Spike took his nightstick by the handle and tilted the end up toward her. Buffy reached out and put her fingers around the stick, sliding her hand up and down slightly.

"Oooh, so smooth...and sooooo long, thick and hard," Buffy moaned in her most sexy voice.

Spike's cock was straining painfully at his uniform pants.

"Is it against the law to proposition an officer of the law?" Buffy asked coyly.

"It's--frowned upon if you're doing it to get out of a scrape...What sort of proposition did you have in mind?"

Buffy was trembling with lust. The timbre of his voice--deep and rumbling--went straight to her pussy, making it clench and ache.

"That depends..." Buffy said.

"On what?"

"On whether I'll get in trouble for it or not."

He smirked. "You won't be in trouble."

"I don't care about the ticket--you can write it up right now. The ticket isn't important. I thought about you this weekend..."

"You did?" Spike asked. He'd thought about her a great deal too. Those wild fantasies he'd had fueled a few masturbation sessions.

"Uh-huh." Buffy licked her lips.

"How did you think about me?"

"I thought how nice it would have been if you had kissed me the other day..."



"Did I do anything else?" Spike's tongue curled behind his teeth.

"Oh yeah, you sure did..." Buffy was squirming in her bucket seat. Her panties were soaked with her juices.

"Tell you what, since I'm about to go off duty, I'll--let you slide this one, last time. I'd rather not end my shift on a sour note." Buffy smiled brilliantly at him. "But, " he continued, leaning in the window a little more, "I don't want you to think that means you have to do--anything."

"What if I want to do--something?" Buffy asked, breathless from his closeness. She could lean over and plant one on that sweet kisser right now...

His smirk broadened. "There's a rest stop up ahead a few miles. I'm heading there. If you'd like, you can join me. And if not--it was nice to make your acquaintance. I hope I'll see you there, though."

Spike leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, kissing her slowly and strongly. Buffy "Mmmmphed!" But quickly melted into the kiss, she was leaning forward when he pulled away.

He didn't say anything else--he just walked back to his bike. Buffy took some deep breaths trying to get her racing heart to return to a safe rate. His lips were divine--so soft and yummy. She wanted him more than ever.

Buffy watched as he pulled along side her. He gave her a grin and a wink before taking off down the road. She looked after him, the red of his taillight getting dimmer the further away he drove from her.

"Do I want to do this? Do I want to have hot sex with a gorgeous cop that I don't even know?"

Buffy started up her car.

"Hell yes, I do!" She giggled and tore off down the highway after him.

Spike was sitting on his motorcycle at the rest stop. Would she come? Should she come?

He was nervous as hell. This was crazy! He was going to have sex with a girl he didn't even know (if she chooses to show up, anyway). There were a million and one reasons why this shouldn't happen: his job, his home life, the list went on and on...

Where were they going to do it? In her car? Not on the ground--that was a tad too tawdry. Too tawdry-- this couldn't get more tawdry...

He stood up when her red Corvette pulled into the rest area. His heart beat wildly in his chest. He felt like a pervert--he was 28--she was 18, a recent high school graduate. And for the fact that he'd let her out of two tickets just because he fancied her and couldn't bare putting a sad pout on that lovely face. But-- God help him--he wanted her. He wanted her like he'd never wanted another woman.

Buffy drove towards the far end where he was waiting. They could be relatively cloaked by darkness in this spot; passing motorists wouldn't notice them this far back from the road.

With hands shaking from anticipation, Buffy parked next to him. She took a shuddery breath and stepped out of the car.

For several moments they stood staring at each other. Both of them thinking how crazy this was--and how powerless they felt to stop the tidal wave of lust that was crashing down on them.

"You came," Spike said in wonder. A sexy smile lit up his face.

Buffy laughed nervously. "Umm--not yet, but I hope to. Several times..." She blushed furiously at her risqué play on words.

Spike's smile widened. He walked to her slowly. They gazed into each other's eyes as he got closer and closer--the interior lights of her car and the Moon providing them with faint illumination.

"You sure you want to do this?" Spike asked in a husky tone, only inches separated them.

"Yes," Buffy whispered. "Yes, I'm very sure. I want you."

"So lovely..." Spike raised his left hand and ghosted his knuckles up and down the side of her face.

Buffy's breathing became more rapid. Her eyes closed at the feel of his hand on her face. She began trembling harder.

Spike leaned in and began kissing her, his tongue glided back and forth between her lips. He could taste cherries and her own unique flavor--he moaned lightly.

Then, the gentle caresses and light kiss changed. Buffy and Spike exploded into action. Their hands groped at the other. Spike's left arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her tight against his body, his right hand squeezed and fondled her tits. Buffy's right hand ran up and down his chest, feeling scrummy muscles beneath his uniform shirt--her left hand roamed over his back and down to that cute ass that she'd wanted to squeeze since the first time she'd gotten a glimpse of it.

They groaned and breathed into each other's mouth. Spike pressed her against the Corvette as they kissed. Buffy raised her left leg, trying to put it over his hip, but his holster was in the way. Buffy pulled away and set to work undoing his belt. Spike, meanwhile, reached behind her neck to untie the strings holding the top of her sundress up. He wanted to see her tits in the flesh.

Buffy succeeded in unfastening his belt and pants. She pushed his pants and underwear down, allowing his erect cock to bounce free. Her eyes widened.

"Aye carumba..." Buffy muttered, admiring his large organ. She couldn't wait to get it inside of her.

She grabbed a hold of it at the base and stroked it firmly. Spike groaned, pausing for a moment to relish the feeling of her manhandling (or woman-handling) his meat. With a low growl, he put his hands under her ass and lifted her. Buffy swooped back down, kissing him passionately while she jacked his big cock.

Spike pressed her against the door of her car. They slid along the side until they came to the hood. He deposited her there. Buffy moaned, utterly lost to sensation. His hot kisses, the feel of his throbbing cock in her hand, his hands groping her breasts and the heat of the hood under her ass were serving to make her hotter and hornier than she'd ever been before.

Spike pushed her shoulders back slightly, Buffy leaned back, resting on her elbows. He kissed, licked and sucked her tits.

"Aaaah! Ohhhh! Oh God!" Buffy breathed as Spike nibbled hard on a nipple.

He switched to the other nipple, sucking on it fiercely. Her tits were just as delightful as he thought they'd be--so firm and pert. He was making "Mmmmmm" sounds as he slavered on her chest. His hands pushed her dress up her thighs, gathering it at her waist. He wanted a taste of her pussy too.

"Oh! OH, Officer Giles! OH YES!" Buffy gasped when his hands strongly groped her thighs.

Spike pulled himself away from her breasts and gazed down at her red panties. He grasped the waistband in his hand and tugged forcefully, tearing them from her body. Buffy cried out in breathless passion as her underwear were ripped off.

"YES!" Buffy moaned. She was creaming like Niagra Fucking Falls. "FUCK ME!"

She squeaked then let out an impassioned groan when instead of his cock, she felt his hot, wet mouth on her pussy. No guy had ever gone down on her before--and--WOW! Was it amazing!

Spike slurped and licked at her gash--moaning from the delectable taste of her. He was like a wild animal, devouring her, ravishing her.

Buffy's head fell back, her mouth hung open. Cries of pleasure flowed from her in an endless stream. Her exclamations and moans were turning him on even more. Spike took one of her ass cheeks in each of his hands and pulled her pussy against his mouth. He dived into her with his tongue, fucking it in and out of her drenched womanhood.

"Oh--Ohhhh!" Buffy's head snapped back up to watch him while he ate her out.

He was so hungry for her, so voracious.

"W-What's the 'W' stand for? Ahhhh!"

He didn't stop for a moment.

"Uhhhh--Off-Officer Giles? Ohhhh!"

Spike finally realized that she was speaking to him. He slowed down his licks, "Hmmm?"

"What's the--the W in your name stand for?" Buffy panted. "I want to be able to scream it." She grinned.

"Spike," he said, giving her slit a long, slow lick.

Buffy shuddered. "S-Spike? That's not a W..."

He chuckled. "Spike's my nickname, pet. That's what I like to be called."

"Oh," Buffy said. "Okay, Spike." She raised an eyebrow. "Who told you that you could stop?" She thrust her hips.

Spike smirked and went back to licking and sucking at her pussy.

"Oh fuck--that feels soooo good!" Buffy moaned.

Spike said, "Mmmm-hmmmm," against her. He circled her clitoris with his tongue, rubbing the sensitive flesh surrounding it.

"Unnngghhhh!" Buffy hips started bucking. "Oh yessss! Oh!"

He wanted her to cum for him--and he desperately needed to fuck her. His cock was pulsing and aching for release. Spike flicked her clit with his tongue several times. Buffy was moaning and groaning loudly as she neared the pinnacle. His lips surrounded her throbbing button. He started pulling on it with his mouth, gently at first to gauge her sensitivity.

"YESSS! More!! Oh God--suck harder! I'm g-going to cum!"

Spike slipped an index finger inside her pussy as he applied more and more suction to her clit. He worked his finger in and out of her hole and sucked harder.

Buffy's body jerked as if electrocuted, her eyes rolled up. "YESSSSS! OH FUCK--OH YES--OH YESSSS! AHHHH!"

Spike grinned, continuing with the sucking and fucking. Buffy humped and moaned for a few minutes until her orgasm subsided.

"Oh wow...Goddamn..." Buffy felt like a rag doll, completely boneless.

Spike kissed a path up her torso to her tits. He couldn't resist sucking on her hard nipples again.

Buffy groaned, "I want you! Need you to fuck me--Ahhhh!"

Spike stood up straight and fished his wallet out of his pants. Willing his hands not to shake, he retrieved a condom packet and pried it open.

"We don't need that," Buffy panted. "I'm on the pill, just fuck me!"

Spike hesitated for only a moment. The desire to fuck her bareback was too great--it was up to her after all. He set his wallet and the condom packet on the hood next to them and moved up. Buffy was breathing heavily and watching in the dim light as he poised his cock at her entrance.

"Do it! Fuck me--please!"

Spike grabbed her by the hips and thrust in hard and swiftly. Buffy cried out in pleasure/pain. Not giving her a chance to recover, Spike started pumping in and out of her pussy.

"Oh--Oh Spike! Oh yessss!" Buffy screamed.

Unable to resist the imagery from one of his fantasies, Spike bent over her and latched onto one of her nipples with his mouth while he fucked her. He sucked on it and rolled it on his tongue.

Buffy writhed and moaned at his ministrations. God--this guy could fuck! She'd been totally right when she assumed he would be incredible. The oral stuff was an added bonus, she hadn't expected that. Her body began to shake as another orgasm raced through her.


Spike felt her pussy fluttering around him and moaned loudly. She was exquisite--she was so hot and tight--and so very responsive. Fucking her was even better than he thought it would be. He really needed to cum soon, but she deserved a good seeing to. The pressure built up more and more inside of him. He fucked her harder and deeper--pulling out until just the knob of his cock was inside of her then ramming in forcefully to the hilt, over and over again. Buffy panted and whined in pleasure as he pounded into her. 5 minutes went by--then 10--at 15 minutes, he could hold back no longer.

"Unnhhhaa! Buffy--Uhhh--Cumming!" Spike panted.

He drove all the way inside of her and started cumming--his hot spunk began squirting deep inside her pussy.

"YESSSS! OH YESSSSS!" Buffy hissed, humping up at him.

Spike groaned and unloaded into her, his hips twitching with each spurt. As he floated back down from his orgasm, he kissed her deeply and thoroughly.

Buffy hummed and let her tongue play in his mouth. Her hands drifted over his shoulders. After a few minutes, Spike pulled out of her and stood up. Buffy sat up slowly and looked at him.

Neither were sure what to say or do next. Spike pulled up his pants and did them up. Buffy followed his example. She slid off the hood and fixed her dress, smoothing it down and retying the top behind her neck. When they were both decent again, they smiled shyly at each other.

"That was--that was great..." Buffy said shyly, toeing the ground with her right foot.

"Yes, it're amazing. Thanks for...everything," Spike said, he retrieved his wallet and the unused condom from the hood.

"Do you--umm--have to go?" Buffy asked. "Could we--continue this somewhere else?"

Spike raised his left eyebrow, a slow smirk formed on his face.

"You not done with me yet, luv?"

Buffy giggled. "I'd like to--do some other stuff...if you want to."

Spike had intended to go home...but how could he possibly say no to her?

"Alright, I'm 'up' for more if you are..." He moved over to her, brushing his lips against her cheek.

Buffy tilted her head and kissed him again. Their inner fires began to re-ignite, their hands started touching and running over the other's body.

Spike broke the kiss. "There's a motel a few miles up the road, called 'The Starlight'. We can get a room..."

"That sounds--good. Very good." Buffy smiled, gazing into his eyes.

"Right, then." Spike backed away from her. "Let's hit the road."

As he was turning, Spike noticed her ruined panties laying on the ground where he'd dropped them. He bent over and retrieved them, then stuffed them in his pocket.

"Hope you don't mind." Spike smirked.

Buffy laughed. "They aren't any good to me anymore--you can keep them if you want." It thrilled her that he wanted a souvenir to remember her by.

"I'll see you there," Spike said, getting on his motorcycle.

"Okay." Buffy watched as he started up the bike and drove back onto the road. "I'm crazy--I'm totally nuts...But--God--he's hot! And I got oral sex! Yay!"

She got back in her car and started up the engine. She drove up the road, looking for the sign for the motel. For once in her life, she was abiding by the speed limit. She didn't want another cop to stop her for speeding--Buffy didn't want anything to delay her from meeting him at the motel. Her body was heating up again at the thought of having him naked in bed--all night long.
