The Shy Librarian



Chapter 1 * Chapter 2 * Chapter 3 * Chapter 4 * Chapter 5 * Chapter 6 * Chapter 7 * Chapter 8 * Chapter 9

 Chapter 10 * Chapter 11 * Chapter 12 * Chapter 13 * Chapter 14 * Chapter 15 * Chapter 16 * Chapter 17

Chapter18 * Chapter 19 * Chapter 20 * Chapter 21 * Epilogue



Chapter 1


Twenty-one year old William Giles stood at the entrance to Sunnydale high school, silently cursing the chain of events that had lead him to this building. He was supposed to be staying with his uncle Rupert for a few months as he was taking a year’s break from University in England. He had only been in Sunnydale for a couple of months. Why oh Why did his uncle have to fall off the ladder in the library two days ago and break his leg…William sighed.

Rupert had asked his nephew to fill in for the six weeks he would be laid up. William had tried to think of an excuse to get out of it, finding none he had agreed to take the job on a temporary basis for his uncle. Rupert had put William’s name forward to the principle and after a short interview, the principle had been satisfied with William’s credentials and fate had led him to this moment in time…

William was brought back to the present, blushing as a group of young girls passed him on the way to class, giggling as they went by. Suddenly the collar on his shirt felt too tight, he was sure they were laughing at him. He had never had much success with the opposite sex, often being too shy to mumble nothing more than a few words. It had earned him a reputation as an undateable geek in most girls’ eyes.

He sighed again, ran his hands through his short brown curls, and opened the door. He immediately collided with a small blonde object. He tucked his briefcase under his arm.

“Oof,” he groaned as the wind was knocked from him.

The object that he had run into grabbed at his shoulders to stop herself from falling, taking him by surprise and instead of stopping her fall, she pulled him over with her. His briefcase went flying onto the lawn, spewing papers everywhere. William looked down into the face of a young girl with wavy blonde hair and the prettiest green eyes he had ever seen.

“Stare much, can you get off me? Anytime soon would be good,” said the girl with an arched eyebrow.

William continued to look at her.

Buffy sighed as she struggled to sit up. “Do you even speak English?” she asked hopefully.

William recovered himself wanting the ground to swallow him up as he realised that he was lying between her bare legs. The girl was wearing some kind of sports outfit, a cheerleaders garb by the look of her.

Buffy groaned inwardly as her nemesis Cordelia Chase decided to turn the corner at that moment. Things were decidedly getting worse by the second. A smug smile spread over Cordelia’s features as she surveyed the scene before her eyes.This was the last thing Buffy needed right now or ever for that matter!

“Buffy, getting it on with teachers now? And in public! Ew! No wonder Angel dumped you,” scorned Cordelia.

Buffy, so that was her name. Strange name he mused, belatedly struggling to his feet. His fingers accidentally brushed against the bare skin of her thigh as he struggled to stand. He snatched his hand away as if burned.

Buffy felt a tremor run through her at his accidental intimate touch on her flesh, she looked up at him in surprise.

“I’m n-not a teacher,” he stammered.

Cordelia eyed him, taking in his plain grey suit. Instantly dismissing him as beneath her attention she turned back to Buffy.

“You’re already late for cheerleading practice. Better haul ass unless you want to be dropped from the squad,” smirked Cordelia as she walked off.

“That bitch!” Buffy spat as soon as the girl was out of earshot.

William flinched at her curse.

“What’s the matter, don’t they use naughty words where you come from? What’s your name? I think an introduction is in order as you’ve already been between my legs,” she teased him unmercifully.

William held out a hand to help her up from the ground. He couldn’t help notice the slightly tanned length of her aforementioned legs as she brushed the dirt from them.

He coughed trying to clear his thoughts, “William Giles,” he replied.

“There that wasn’t too painful now was it? Sorry to hear about Mr Giles. What is he like your father or something?” she asked.

“Uncle… I am his replacement for the rest of the semester,”

“Cool, well nice talking to you, gotta run,” Buffy frowned as she saw he wasn’t even looking at her, but over her shoulder.

“Oh, no,” he exclaimed, rushing past her.

Buffy turned to see what had caught his attention. A breeze was blowing the papers out of his briefcase, and he got down on his hands and knees to scoop them up in vain. Several of them were already snagged in the branches of a nearby tree. Buffy glanced at her watch and the bent form of William, trying not to notice the shape of his ass as the material of his pants was pulled tightly across it.

What was the matter with her? Buffy asked herself angrily, she was acting like the prize hoe that Cordelia had implied she was. She joined him on the grass trying to help him catch the errant papers, stuffing a few back into the briefcase she rose to her feet. At least in this position she couldn’t gawp at his nicely formed rear she reasoned.

“I really do have to go now. It’s been great William…oops Mr Giles,” she grinned as she ran off.

William looked up from his task, firmly shutting the case. He watched her retreating form as she entered the high school. He shook himself mentally for behaving like a lovesick teenager as he stared after her. He had felt her heat as he had lain between her legs. It had taken all of his self-control not to react to her warm body. Just thinking about her got him hard. He looked down at the material of his pants tenting out. He blushed fiery red and hastily covered himself with his briefcase.

Counting slowly to ten, he regained control of his body, entering the building and making his way to the library.

“I wonder who Angel is?” thought William to himself as he walked down the school hall.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Buffy breathlessly entered the girls changing room. Most of the girls were ready to leave for the sports field. Harmony looked up at Buffy as she tied the laces to her training shoes.

“So nice you could join us Buffy, Cordelia said you might be otherwise occupied,” sniggered Harmony.

Buffy sighed, wondering why she had ever wanted to be a cheerleader in the first place. Thinking about it now, she never really had… Angel had encouraged her to go for the tryouts. He was the quarterback for the school football team and had told her that it was almost expected of him to be dating a cheerleader. That had been almost two years ago, she was 18 now and had been for two whole days and in her last few weeks at high school.

Maybe it was time she started making her own decisions…

She ignored the jibes and looks from her fellow students putting down her sports bag, she followed them out onto the field. Her reputation had taken a serious nosedive ever since the ‘Angel incident’ in the boys’ locker room just a little over a month ago.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

William had been safely installed in the library after talking to the principle. He had managed to sort his uncle’s notes on how to run the library into some semblance of order before seating himself at his desk. It was so quiet that he could hear the ticking of the clock on the wall. Obviously, the students at this school only entered the library upon fear of death or detention.

William got up out of his seat and decided to explore his new workplace. Maybe there would be some book to hold his interest until lunch. He idly glanced at the shelves, distracted by what sounded like shouting coming from outside. He walked over to the window, pulling back into the shadows as he saw the girl he had hardly been able to banish from his mind all morning.

She was doing the routine with the other girls, but he only seemed to notice her as her hips swayed and she clapped her hands. Against his will, he felt his body hardening again at the sight of her.

Buffy looked towards his window at that moment. He shied away wondering if it had been coincidence or if she had seen him watching her. He missed the little smile that played about her lips as she turned her attention back to the routine.

William groaned, ever since beginning the new job he had almost been in a constant state of arousal. He entered his private washroom and locked the door behind him, determined to relieve himself of the uncomfortable itch in his pants as it showed no signs of going away by it’s self.

He unzipped his pants and took his semi-hardened cock into his hands, grasping the thick shaft in his left hand. He slowly started to stroke it up and down, pulling back on the foreskin to expose the large shiny head. It grew in his hand as he worked it faster and faster. He had to place one hand on the door of the stall to steady him, the breath hissing between his teeth.

A drop of pre-cum splashed onto the black toilet seat.

“Buffy,” he groaned as he imagined kissing those soft thighs that he had earlier lain between.

William’s hips bucked forward as he neared his release, wondering how it would feel to shoot his load deep into her hot wet pussy. That final thought took him over the edge as his balls tightened. In a groan he began to spurt, huge white wads of cum all over the cubicle wall repeatedly, totally missing the toilet bowl.

He sagged against the stall door. His cock was already starting to go limp as he tucked it back into his pants and zipped it up. William’s breathing slowly returned to normal, almost horrified at his actions. He had been here all of an hour and he had already jerked off all over his uncle’s washroom and all of it over a girl who would never even look at him twice.

As he wiped away the mess, he determinedly made up his mind that this was going to be the end of his pointless infatuation with Buffy.



Chapter 2

William arrived back at his uncle’s house early evening, tired from doing so little. After the washroom episode, the rest of the day had dragged by. Even though he had set on pushing all thoughts of Buffy from his mind, nothing had seemed to work. He had even hung around the lunch hall hoping to catch a glimpse of her, but she hadn’t showed, much to his disappointment.

He put his brief case down on the kitchen counter and entered the living room. His uncle Rupert was fast asleep on the sofa slightly snoring. William crept by him, not really wanting to face his uncle at that moment. He had almost made it to the stairs when Rupert stirred.

“William is that you?” asked Giles.

“Er…yes uncle, I was just going to my room,”

“Come and sit down here, I want to hear all about your first day,” he said enthusiastically.

William sighed inwardly deciding that he may as well have the ordeal over and done.

“Okay maybe just a few minutes, but I wanted to get a shower before I started on the dinner,” he replied

William sat down in the chair opposite Giles. The other man looked at him expectantly.

“Well,” encouraged the older man.

*Okay lets see, I ended up between a girls legs. Buffy was her name, and she made me so randy that I wanked off all over your washroom while imagining that I was fucking her* thought William.

He could imagine his uncle’s reaction to that one!

“Not a lot to tell really. The library was quiet all day. Can I go now?” asked William.

Giles noticed his nephew’s obvious discomfort and the blush of his cheeks. He wondered at its cause, but decided not to press matters for now.

“Fine, maybe we can discuss it further at dinner,” he replied.

William ran upstairs and shut himself in the bathroom. Letting out a big sigh of relief to finally be alone. He looked at himself in the mirror.

“You disgusting pervert,” he angrily told his reflection. She was a young girl and probably not even of legal age yet either. Well, you are not so very old either his inner voice answered back.

He tore off his suit and unzipped his pants. The material had slightly adhered to the tip of his cock. He winced as he pulled the fabric away noticing the dried white semen stains. William preferred to wear no underwear, something that would have shocked all of his relations and the few friends that he did have. He quickly stuffed the offending article of clothing to the bottom of the laundry basket. Turning on the shower, the room soon filled with steam. He stepped into the bathtub and began to soap his naked body in the hot water. Buffy slipped into his mind again and he turned the tap to cold.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Buffy had been home for a couple of hours. She had flopped out on her bed and had been staring at the wall. She was deep in thought. She knew that she shouldn’t let the other students get to her, but it was getting harder for her to cope every day. There was one person, no two people that could put this right…Angel and Riley. Angel had been Buffy’s sweetheart since first grade. She had dreamed of the fairytale wedding they would one day have. All those dreams were now in tatters. It was still hard for her to believe that you could think you knew a person, only to not know them at all.


It had all happened a little over month ago, after football practise... Angel had been supposed to meet her in the school parking lot. She had been waiting patiently, but time had ticked on and Angel had been almost twenty minutes late. She had entered the school going in search of him. Buffy had knocked on the door of the boys’ locker room. Receiving no reply, she had opened the door and gone in. She could hear noises that sounded like Angel…little groans. Thinking him unwell or injured she ran around the corner only to be met by a sight that she was sure would never leave her as long as she lived.

Angel was naked, and kissing his best friend Riley with deep open mouthed kisses. She watched in horrified fascination as Riley reached for Angel’s cock and began to massage it. She watched it grow in the other guy’s hand, but she was still rooted to the spot in deep shock unable to speak or move.

“Suck me off, I want to feel your tongue on my dick,” pleaded Angel in between kisses.

Riley sank to his knees and took the tip of Angel’s cock in his mouth. It was at that moment that Angel saw Buffy standing behind Riley. Her face was as white as paper.

“Oh, fuck…Buffy,” he exclaimed.

Riley stopped what he was doing and looked up at Angel.

“What about me? Don’t I get a fu…” he teased, stopping mid sentence to see what had caused the look on Angel’s face.

He stood up quickly and turned around. Seeing Buffy there, he smirked at her. Unashamed of his own naked state. Buffy’s legs finally started working again. She walked past Riley, ignoring him and stood in front of Angel. Tears threatened to spill down her cheeks, but she held them in check not wanting Riley to see her cry.

“Angel…how long has this…you and Riley?” asked Buffy.

“About six months now. I wanted to tell you Buffy, but I just couldn’t find the words,” said Angel.

All eyes had turned at the sound of approaching footsteps and they saw Harmony come around the corner of a locker.

“Hey is anyone here? I can’t find my car keys and wondered if you had…”

Harmony stood still taking in the scene before her.

“Harmony,” said Buffy.

“Oh I can’t wait to tell everyone. Little Miss Righteous about to have a threesome with her boyfriend and her boyfriend’s best friend! I must call Cordelia right now. It’s just too wonderful to keep to myself,” she giggled in her empty headed way.

“Wait this is not what it looks like is it guys…Angel…Riley, you tell her!” demanded Buffy.

Angel and Riley looked at each other, both of them hanging their heads and remaining silent.

“Thought so, well I must go I simply have loads of people to tell,” said Harmony with gleeful malice.

Buffy was left alone with Riley and Angel.

“You bastard! Why didn’t you just tell her the truth?” she spat at him.

“Buffy you don’t understand. If word of Riley and I got around then the school coach Snyder would drop us from the team. You know what an anally retentive ass hole he is,” Angel winced at his ill chosen words.

“Screw you and screw the team! My name is going to be dirt tomorrow thanks to you! It won’t matter that I was fully clothed in this affair. You know how Harmony expands on things. By the time she has finished telling her tales, she will have had me naked being fucked up against a locker in her version,”

“Buffy I think you are exaggerating a little,” said Riley.

“And you…don’t even speak to me,” Buffy looked back at the other guy. “Angel if you ever felt anything for me, you will do me one last favour and never come near me again,”

“Guess I gave him something you never could sweetheart,” smirked Riley.

Buffy walked up to Riley and looked up into his eyes. She raised her knee and thrust up hard kneeing him in the balls.

“Take that as my parting gift to the both of you,” she replied as she walked off angrily.

After that Buffy had walked off to the bus stop, wanting to be as far away from the school as possible. Of Harmony there had been no sign. As she had angrily brushed away the tears she had only now allowed to fall, Buffy felt such an idiot for not seeing the signs earlier…right now she hated Angel with a passion. he had destroyed her reputation without saying a word.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Buffy was dragged back to the present by the front door closing. She vaguely remembered hearing her mom call out, but had been too lost in her bad memories at the time to register it. She quickly ran to the window and pulled it up.

“Bye mom, see ya later,”

Her mom held up a hand in salute as she made her way to the car and drove off down the street. Buffy’s mother wouldn’t be back until much later. She had a gallery party that evening, so Buffy’s time was pretty much her own. Willow and Xander had tried to get her interested in going to the Bronze, but she had cried off, saying she had a headache. Buffy smiled as she thought of her two friends, they were the only two that had stuck by her in all of this.

Buffy wandered aimlessly around her room, touching some of her childhood trinkets that were still littered around the place. Her mind wandered off again to William for about the hundredth time that day. Was he thinking about her? She had seen him watching her from the library window earlier that morning.

There had been something in the way he had touched her, albeit by accident. His hands had felt slightly rough on the inner flesh of her thigh and she had wondered what it would be like to have those hands run over all of her. She had seen it in his eyes too along with the awkwardness of their predicament. She wondered how old he was. He looked about twenty-five in that suit!

Buffy frowned as she sat down on the edge of the bed. He really wasn’t her type. Her type usually looked like Angel. Look, where that had led she told herself angrily. Oh but those eyes and that hard body her inner devil reminded her. Buffy let out a little moan as she wriggled around on the edge of the bed.

She knew she was alone for at least the next four hours so she went over to her door and locked it and lay back down on the bed, staring at the ceiling as her hand crept down her body, she pulled up her tight skirt and dipped her fingers inside her panties. Gasping as she slipped her finger between her lips and touched her clit. It was already soaked in her juices.

“You see how wet you’ve made me William,” she said accusingly to the empty room.

Buffy slipped two fingers in and out of her wet channel. Her other hand had crept under her blouse as she rubbed at her nipples, imagining William’s roughened hands on them. Her panting filled the room while her mind filled with illicit thoughts.

“That’s it William put that monster in me. Fill me with your cum, let me milk that cock dry,”

Buffy could feel her inner muscles clench on her fingers as she rode the wave of her orgasm. She lay there for a moment in the aftermath as her breathing returned to normal. She removed her fingers, smoothed down her skirt, unlocked the door, and headed for the bathroom. A big smile pasted on her face.

“I wonder what new books they have in at the school library? I guess I will have to check it out in the morning,” she mused as she entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her.



Chapter 3

Buffy was already sitting on the steps to her house when Xander pulled up in is car. He was a little surprised to see her there. Usually of late, he’d had to go into the house and sweet-talk her out of her room.

He switched off the engine and got out of the car.

“Hi Buff, glad to see you’re all ready for another day of fine educational fun at Sunnyhell high,” he grinned.

“You got that right, about the hell part anyway,” she shrugged.

Buffy picked up her book bag and followed him down the path.

“So what’s with the eagerness to get there? Up for a new round of Harmony and Cordy’s smart remarks already?”

“No, I need to go to the library. I have to get some books for a class assignment that’s all,” she replied innocently.

“Very funny, now what’s the real reason?”

Buffy frowned. She was starting to get just a little annoyed. Xander knew that look on her face and decided to change the subject.

“Save me from hormonal girls,” he muttered under his breath.

“Where’s Will?” asked Buffy as she got in the car.

“She said she’d meet you at class. It was too early for her,” yawned Xander

“Looks like it’s too early for you too,” said Buffy wryly.

“I’m a teenager Buffy, anything before noon is too early for me,”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

William had gotten dressed in record time that morning. He hadn’t wanted his uncle asking questions about why he had borrowed one of his suits. He eyed himself in his bedroom mirror. The dreary colour of the tweed really did nothing for his frame. Giles was slightly larger than William and the suit hung off him like a shapeless sack.

“Teach you to toss off over a girl,” he told himself wryly, making a mental note to get his own suit cleaned as soon as possible.

There had been another reason for his promptness in getting to high school. There was a lot less chance that he would “bump” into Buffy again. He could be safely inside the walls of the library, out of harm and temptation’s way for the rest of the day.

As he entered the school, it was almost deserted except for a few teachers milling around the halls complaining about the youth of today. Mostly they ignored him, but he was used to being invisible.

One teacher had even called out his uncle’s name as he had passed them. “This damn outfit” he thought in resignation. Just whom was he trying to impress here? Buffy’s face came into his mind as he entered the library.

William switched on the lights. Feeling satisfied with himself that he had managed to make it into the library, incident free maybe boded well for the rest of the school day. He went into his office and sat down in the chair, this job was so boring.

At least the university library back in England had had a steady stream of visitors. The only person to show up at the school library yesterday was principle Flootie. A rather large and bumbling, but friendly man who had almost bored the pants off him as he had gone into the finer points of the do’s and don’ts at Sunnydale high.

With nothing else to occupy him for now, William looked around for the makings of a cup of tea. He opened several of the desk drawers, raising an eyebrow in surprise as he found an adult magazine in the bottom of his uncle’s draw.

“Hidden depths there Rupert?” asked William aloud. He couldn’t imagine his uncle looking at such a publication and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to.

He looked further into the drawer and located the teabags at the back. Closing it, he left the magazine on the desk and went over to the sink to fill the kettle.

A knock on the outer door of his office almost made him drop the kettle into the sink.

“Hello?” said a familiar voice.

With shaky hands, William placed the kettle on the counter, almost afraid to turn around. It seemed like his run of good luck was fast running out…


He slowly turned to face her. Could she look any more beautiful? He asked himself as she stood there in a short black skirt and a fitted white blouse. Buffy wore her hair in braids, which only served to add to the youthfulness of her appearance.

“H-how can I do you…I mean what can I do for you,” he stammered.

“You want to do me William? That’s rather forward of you,” she teased.

Buffy felt more than a little evil for teasing him so, but he blushed so sweetly.

“I meant how could I help you.”

Buffy walked over to where he was standing, she placed her book bag on his desk. William groaned as he saw the magazine he had left out and he could see that she has seen it too.

“What’s this? A little light reading?” she asked flicking through the pages.

“It’s not mine,” said William defensively.

“Isn’t that what they all say?” she grinned.

“It really…”

“Oh here’s an interesting article…How to make your lover scream ten times a night,”

“Yes well, I wouldn’t know anything much about that…I mean I haven’t read it,” said William

“You ought to. You never know when it might come in useful. Anyway I need your help on a special project that only you can help me with,”

William’s mouth dried up at her words.

“What kind of project?” he asked.

“It’s for health class,” she purred moving a little closer to him.

“Health class, isn’t that like sex education?” he asked nervously.

“Among other things. See I was right; you are a smart boy William. Love the suit by the way. You look very scholarly in it. Every inch a teacher…every inch of you,”

At that moment in time, William was growing in inches. Just not anywhere that he wanted her to see. He buttoned up his jacket and placed his hands in front of his crotch. Buffy was so close to him that he could smell her perfume…something floral, mixed in with another unidentifiable musky scent. He didn’t know what it was, but it was getting him as hard as hell.

She looked up at him, her eyes a picture of innocence as they looked into his.

“Have you been thinking about me William? I have been thinking about you, nothing, but you since yesterday. What is this hold you have over me?”

“I…er…yes,” If she was just playing with him… then God help him he was going to go insane.

“Yes what?” she asked as she rested a hand on his chest.

William stared at the hand she had placed there.

“I have thought about you too Buffy, but it’s wrong. I have a position here as a teacher,”

Buffy let her hand slide lower as she unbuttoned his jacket. He sucked in a breath as her hand rested on the waistband of his pants.

“What are you doing?” he asked as her hand made quick work of the zipper.

The harsh metallic sound was deafening in the quiet of his office. He noted the flush to Buffy’s cheeks as well as the excited gleam to her eyes. Her gaze never leaving him as her hand slipped inside.

“Does this feel wrong?” she asked, gasping in surprise as she made contact with the nakedness of his stiff member.

William leaned back against the counter grasping its edges for support. It felt like heaven…he closed his eyes as her hand encircled his cock, freeing it from his pants.

“It feels…Oh Buffy,” he groaned.

Buffy looked down at his erection. It felt hot and heavy in her hands. She hadn’t imagined his size after all, she thought as she recalled him being pressed up against her most intimate parts yesterday.

“Do you like my hands on you William?” she purred as she pulled back on his foreskin.

A sheen of sweat broke out on his brow. Buffy used the finger of her other hand to trace along the slit. A drop of pre cum had already formed on its tip. Buffy looked at the milky white fluid as it glistened on her finger. She put the finger up to her mouth and licked along her finger until all trace of it was gone.

“You taste good…I wonder if all of you tastes that good. Shall we find out?”

William was helpless as she begun to lower her head…

“Mr Giles?” a voice called out.

“Fuck…it’s the principle!” said Buffy in panic. All traces of the sultry seductress had vanished in an instant.

William just stood there. His mouth hanging open.

“Dammit William, put yourself away. If Flootie catches you with your dick out, we are both out of here,” said Buffy anxiously.

William fumbled with the zipper. He was all fingers and thumbs, so Buffy gently slapped his hands away and quickly zipped up his pants.

“I’d recommend you doing up your jacket again. That has to be the biggest hard on I have ever had the pleasure of seeing,” she grinned.

William hurriedly sat down behind his desk. Spying the magazine still on its surface, he quickly managed to hide it under some papers.

Flootie entered the office and frowned at Buffy. “Shouldn’t you have been in class five minutes ago Miss Summers? The bell has rung,”

Buffy grabbed her book bag from the desk and looked at William. “So is it alright if I pop by after school so you can assist me with my class project?” she smiled sweetly at him.

William’s heart did a flip flop in his chest as he looked at her. Luckily, for the both of them, Principal Flootie was too busy droning on to notice anything. She gave him one last look as she left the office and William turned his attention back to the principle.

“Oh are you making tea?” asked Flootie hopefully as he noted the teabags on the counter.

“Would you like some? Asked William

He got up from the desk, confident that all traces of his erection had been eradicated by the principal’s appearance in his office. Flootie worked better than a cold shower for dampening his libido.

As he switched on the kettle, William thought back to Buffy’s previous words…she had told him that his was the biggest erection that she had ever had the pleasure of seeing. Did it mean that she had seen a lot? That he was just the first in a long line of many? William felt something building inside of him, something that he didn’t like the feeling of and had a hard time putting a label to it…jealousy?

He was angry with himself for feeling that way. They had made no promises to each other. She wasn’t his to get jealous about, but he wanted her to be…

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Buffy slid into her seat, mouthing an apology to her teacher Miss Calendar at the same time.

“Wondered where you had gone. Thought about sending out a search party,” said Willow as she leaned over to talk to her friend.

“Sorry was at the library,” Buffy apologised.

“So I heard,”

“Who told you?” asked Buffy, instantly terrified that she had been spied upon. All she needed right now was more scandal added to her name.

“Xander told me. Found him drowning his sorrows in twinkie heaven over by the vending machines,” Grinned Willow.

Buffy breathed a big sigh of relief.

“Right that’s the Xander we know… when in doubt comfort eat,” giggled Buffy.

“So did you find what you were looking for in the library?” asked Willow.

“Sort of, I am going to have to go back there after school. William…er…Mr Giles has offered to help me with some extra tuition,”

“What about our girls night? You know…where we watch sappy movies together and eat too much chocolate,” asked Willow.

“Oh Willow I’m sorry. Maybe another night?” offered Buffy.

“Never mind I can always ask Xander,” said Willow dejectedly.

“I can cancel if you like?”

“Don’t worry about it Buff, we can catch up tomorrow,” smiled her friend.

“Do either Miss Rosenberg or Miss Summers have anything they would like to share with the class?” asked Miss Calendar.

Both of the girls turned to look at their teacher and flushed guiltily before returning their attention to their computer screens.



Chapter 4

“Willow, I ‘m not so sure this is a good idea,” said Buffy as her friend dragged her towards the lunch hall.

“C’mon Buffy you can’t keep hiding forever. Harmony and Cordelia will get bored of the subject and find a new victim. Keeping away just makes it look like you have something to hide…which I know you don’t,” said Willow.

“Fine, but if this all turns out badly, I know who to blame,” sighed Buffy.

They entered the lunch hall together. One or two people stopped talking and stared at her, but Buffy just walked past them, her head held high. They queued up to get their lunches when a familiar waft of potent designer perfume filled their nostrils. Willow turned around to see Cordelia and Harmony standing there. Buffy continued onwards pretending ignorance of the newcomers.

“I heard that Buffy did whole football team last week,” said Cordelia casually.

Buffy gritted her teeth, her hands clenched tightly on her food tray.

“Yeah, really? That figures. Riley told me all about that day in the locker room. Apparently, they were both about to fuck her brains out…just like I thought. Seems Miss high and mighty loves a good gangbang,” giggled Harmony.

Harmony screamed as Buffy’s fist connected with her face.

“Oh God, you punched my nose? Do you have any idea how much my father paid for it…I’ll get you thrown out of this school,” wailed Harmony as she ran off, closely followed by Cordelia.

“I’m sorry Buffy, but you were right this was a bad idea,” apologised Willow.

“I’m not mad at you Will, the Bitch had it coming,” said Buffy as she looked at her grazed knuckles in satisfaction.

She picked up her lunch tray and continued down the line.

William had been watching her from the far side of the lunch hall, stealing little glances at her. Not that he had to fear anyone noticing his attentions. From what he could tell, a couple of girls had been giving Buffy a hard time. One of them he recognised from yesterday morning, but the other had been an unfamiliar person to him. He’d nearly choked on his mouthful of fries as he witnessed Buffy swing a punch at the blonde girl.

He watched her take a tray and sit several rows of tables away from him. She still hadn’t noticed his being there, so it gave him the luxury of studying her face. Her cheeks were red and she looked close to tears as she half-heartedly bit into her sandwich.

Whatever was troubling her, he wished he could go over to her, take her in his arms, and tell her it would be okay. William sighed, he bet that would get everyone’s attention then. For now he had to satisfy himself with just sending sympathetic glances her way.

Buffy looked up from her food as if sensing someone’s gaze on her. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw William.

“Okay?” he mouthed at her silently.

Buffy nodded back, afraid to be showing too much attention openly to anyone of the opposite sex. Willow joined her at the table and she turned her mind back to her friend, although still very aware of William’s presence just a few tables away.



“You haven’t been listening to a word I’ve said have you?” asked Willow teasingly.

Xander plopped down in the seat next to Willow.

“Hi guys just heard about Harmony. Way to go Buffy,” he mumbled in-between forkfuls of food.

“Uh-oh,” said Willow.

“What?” asked Buffy.

“Don’t look now, but something wicked this way comes,” said Willow.

Buffy turned her head just in time to see Angel and Riley enter the lunch hall together, all the colour leeching from her face.

“Sorry Will, Xander, but I think I just lost my appetite,”

Buffy got up from the table and threw the remainder of her lunch in the trash. Steeling herself as Angel became aware of her and started to walk towards her.

“Don’t you dare Angel, just stay away,” said Buffy as she ran from the lunch hall.

William had noted Buffy’s stricken expression as the tall dark-haired boy had come towards her. He had risen instinctively from his seat, but then Buffy had hightailed it out of the lunch hall and was long gone.

William gathered up his belongings and headed back to the library.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Buffy walked off in the direction of the girl’s restrooms. Trying desperately to hold back the tears that had formed behind her eyes. She almost had her hand on the door when she heard Principle Flootie’s voice behind her.

“A word if you please Miss Summers,”

“Fine,” she replied petulantly as she followed the principle to his office.

Buffy entered the office and the principle closed the door behind them.

“I’ve just received a serious complaint that you assaulted a fellow student in the lunch queue. Is that correct?” he asked

“Yes, I did sir, but she was asking for it…if you knew,”

“I can’t tolerate that sort of behaviour in my school Miss Summers, there are no exceptions,”

Buffy looked down at the floor.

“So what are you gonna do about it?” asked Buffy. Silently praying that whatever it was didn’t include calling her mother.

“I am going to exclude you from your lessons for the rest of the day,”

“But I…”

“No arguments Miss Summers, collect your things and I shall escort you to the school library where you can spend the remainder of your day. Maybe the quiet time will give you chance to reflect on your behaviour,”

Buffy continued to look at the floor, a little, almost indiscernible smile on her face. He wasn’t going to get any more arguments from her quarter. She could almost hug Harmony Kendall at that moment in time!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

William scanned the rows of high school yearbooks. He located the most recent one and removed it from the shelf. He sat down at one of the tables in the main body of the library. Flicking through it, he found a photo of the football team. Angel…the razorbacks star player. He skimmed through the paragraph. So this was Angel, just what exactly did he mean to Buffy? On the opposite page was a group photo of the cheerleaders. Buffy looked so happy, happier than he had ever seen her. No shadows under her eyes or that haunted look that was so apparent now.

“Mr Giles?”

*Oh bloody hell* thought William as he turned to face his employer.

William stopped in his tracks as he saw that the principle was not alone. He quickly remembered to close his mouth at the sight of Buffy standing alongside Flootie.

“Is there a problem?” asked William

*God she told him about this morning and he has come to fire me*

“Yes, Miss Summers is to spend the rest of the school day here. If you have any tasks that you need assistance with then I am sure Miss Summers can oblige you,” he said.

With that, Flootie turned on his heels and marched out of the library.

Buffy walked over to the table and pulled out a chair. She sat down and observed William.

“Alone at last and with the principles blessing. What more could we ask?” said Buffy.

She deliberately crossed her legs, causing her skirt to ride up high around her thighs. William swallowed hard as he saw the edge of a pair of while lacy panties.

He had to resist the urge to run to the sanctuary of his office. He settled for a fast pace, sensing that Buffy was hard on his heels. She closed the door behind them and locked it; shutting the blinds, she turned to face him.

“What are you so afraid of William?” she asked

“That this all just some diversion to you. You’re beautiful Buffy, you could have any man you wanted. Why me?” he asked.

“According to some people I have been having any man I wanted,” she said quietly under her breath.

“What was that?”

“Nothing…you really think I’m beautiful?” she asked

William nodded, looking down at the floor. He heard a sob and his head snapped back up, shocked to see the tears running down her face. He took the few steps towards her and wrapped his arms around her.

“What is it love?”

She smiled through her tears at his endearment, accidental or otherwise.

“It’s a long story,”

Buffy wiped at her eyes. He could sense her reluctance to share, so he dropped the subject. Hoping at least that she would trust him with whatever it was when she was ready.

William let his arms drop from her sides and took a seat behind the desk, feeling the need to put a barrier between them. As much as he had loved the feel of her in his arms, it was just too much of a temptation to him.

“You want to know why I crave you William. For craving it is…it’s like you are in my blood,” she admitted.

“It’s been the same for me,” he answered quietly.

“And of course there is the matter of your gorgeous body. A body that I can’t wait to explore every inch of,” she grinned.

William coughed, and Buffy continued.

“It was also your eyes, what I read in them…such promise. I don’t know you, but I do. It’s funny when I met you yesterday albeit in such strange circumstances, it was like I had found something that had been lost. I ‘m not explaining myself very well. Let me show you how I feel when I’m with you,” she sighed.

Buffy walked around the side of the desk. Before William knew what she was about, she pushed the chair against the wall. She hitched up her skirt and straddled him on the chair.

“What are you doing Buffy?”

“Showing you just what you do to me,”

He began to harden at the feel of her heat. It was almost burning him through his pants. Only two thin layers of clothing separated them. He sucked in a breath as she moved against him and he closed his eyes.

“No keep your eyes open. I want to see every emotion on your face as I touch you,” she panted.

She thrust against his tweed-covered cock and lowered her head to kiss him. William hadn’t kissed a girl since nursery school. Unsure what she wanted, he kept his mouth tightly closed. Buffy licked along his lips with the tip of her tongue.

“Open your mouth for me William, let me inside,”

William obeyed her, groaning at the new sensations as her tongue met his. His hands gripped her hips of his own volition and thrust up against her. He could feel a moistness between her legs as one of his hands crept along the bare flesh of her thigh, resting at the edge of her panties. Buffy broke away from their kiss and looked into his eyes.

“Do it William touch me, feel how wet I am for you,”

William took a deep breath and steadied himself. He had never touched a girl there before, What if he did it all wrong? His old doubts and insecurities came flooding back to him.

“William?” she asked questioningly.

In the company of this girl, he felt he could be anything. He mentally called himself a fool for his doubts. He slipped a finger under the snowy white material.

“Do you know what I did last night?” she breathed.

William shook his head.

“I touched myself…right where you are touching me now,”

“Oh,” was all he could think of to say.

“You wanna know who was thinking of while I was doing it?” she asked.

“I-don’t know,”

“You…riding me filling me with your cum,”

William mentally started counting to ten. If he didn’t get control of himself, the only thing that would be filling with cum would be his borrowed pants.


“Going too fast for you?” she asked.

“I’ve never done this before. You are the first, what if I disappoint you?” he asked.

She had sensed his reserve, but she had never thought him to be a virgin. What was wrong with all those girls back in England? She thought.

“Touch me and tell me do I feel disappointed?” she asked.

William’s fingers made contact with her heated pussy and she squirmed against his hand. He slipped a finger inside making contact with her clit. She reared back as if she had received an electric shock. William did it again and Buffy pressed herself against him harder.

“This time I want to come with your fingers rammed up inside of me,”

William put an arm around her back and stood up. Buffy wrapped her legs around him as he sat her on the edge of the desk. He was still pumping her with his fingers as he knocked all the papers on the desk to the floor with his free hand.

“You’re a natural William,” she gasped.

He pushed her down on the surface of the desk, sliding his fingers out of her. She mewled in disappointment, which was short-lived as she watched him put the two fingers in his mouth.

“I wanted to taste you too,” he admitted hesitantly.

Buffy groaned as moisture pooled between her legs. William could see the wet patch as it spread on the material of her panties. He spread her legs further and bent his head to inhale her scent. He recognised it as the musky scent of this morning.

“Can I take these off?” he asked.

“I thought you’d never ask,” she replied urgently.

He hooked his thumbs either side of them and pulled them down to her ankles before removing them, tucking them into his jacket pocket.

“Are you on the pill or do you have any protection?” he asked.

She smiled tenderly at him and his obvious concern for her and her well being.

“No, but we can do other stuff, just let me show you,” said Buffy making a mental note to get herself to the doctors as soon as possible.

William was having trouble taking his eyes off her as she sat herself back up and reached for the fastening on his pants.

“I want to see that gorgeous cock of yours again,”

He felt himself get harder at her words if that was actually achievable. He sighed with relief as she unzipped him and pushed his pants down around his knees. Buffy removed the remainder of her clothes so that she was naked before him.

“Take the rest of your clothing off, I need to see all of you,” she whispered huskily.

He hesitated and she sighed before slipping his jacket from his shoulders and loosening his tie. William finished the task, taking off his shirt and throwing it to the floor, but unable to meet her eyes. Buffy put the tip of her finger under his chin and lifted his head to look at her.

“Don’t be shy William, you are lovely, all of you…inside and out,” she told him, capturing his lips with her own, as they sank back onto the desk.

She revelled in the weight of him on her, she could feel his hardness digging into her, if she just shifted a few inches…oh God this was torture, she wanted him inside her so bad, as if he was the missing piece that she had been searching for all of her young life. William traced kisses along her throat, slowly moving down to her naked breasts, her nipples already hardening in anticipation of his touch.

He was emboldened as his passion for her grew. His shyness almost dissolved entirely, his thoughts only of the beautiful girl beneath him. He licked across the hard tip of her breast, satisfied as she let out a low moan, he turned his attention to the other while slowly thrusting his cock against the flesh of her thigh. Buffy thrust her hips upwards instinctively against his hardness.

William’s hand travelled down between her parted legs. He thrust his fingers into her once more. He himself gasping as she gripped his cock, and slowly began to pump at it with her hand.

Buffy could feel the stickiness of his pre cum as it trickled onto her thigh and down her bare leg, as they slid against each other

“Faster William,” she panted, as he obeyed her request, his fingers working her clit at the same time.

“So good,” she panted.

“You feel so hot and tight Buffy, I wish I could put my dick in you and feel that heat around me…”

“Why don’t you?”

She was almost at the edge, fear of pregnancy pushed to the farthest reaches of her mind.

“No, I couldn’t do that to you,” he gasped feeling close to his own release, but trying to regain control of himself.

Buffy could have cried at that moment, he really was beautiful inside and out just as she’d said. He was all hers, in a way that no one had ever been before.

“William…I…I’m cumming,”

He could feel the inner muscles of her pussy as they clamped down on his fingers in an almost vice grip. He watched her face as her features contorted as she rode the waves of her orgasm. He felt about ten feet high as realisation dawned on him that he had done that to her.

She softly sighed as he removed his fingers, taking a few moments to recover. She then looked up at him feeling a little shy herself.

“Now it’s your turn. Wanna try something?”

“Okay,” he panted a she continued to work his erection.

“Straddle me,”

He looked at her a little confused, but obeyed her request. The tip of his erection was just centimetres from her mouth. He could feel her breath as blew across the tip. He watched as she lifted her head and took him in her mouth, He closed his eyes as she enveloped him pulling back on the foreskin as she licked and sucked at his cock. Her other hand cupped his balls. She felt the tale tell tightening and let him slide out of her mouth.

“Sit back a little,” she asked. He did so until his cock was resting between her breasts.

Buffy squeezed her breasts together, making a channel for him. He thrust forwards experimentally. The head of his cock making contact with her chin at each thrust. Buffy licked at the head as he drove forwards to his own release,

“Buffy I am going to cum,”

“I’m counting on it,” she purred as he let out a sound akin to a roar and the first splash of white cum hit her on the chin. He thought he was going to pass out as he saw her lick it up, She never took her eyes from his for one second.

Buffy’s neck and face were wet with his spendings. He stopped thrusting and got off her to lie next to her on his uncles desk.

“Gotta tissue paper or a towel by any chance?” she asked.

“I am such an idiot,” he said quickly getting off the desk and rooting around in one of the cupboards.

“Nice ass, makes me want to bite it,” she whistled appreciatively as he bent down.

William turned to face her, blushing at her words.

“We’ are gonna have to cure you of that little habit,” she teased.

William handed her the box of paper towels.

“Aren’t you going to clean me? After all you made all the mess you wicked man,” she said kissing his hand.

Buffy lay back with her hands behind her head as he took a towel from the box and began wiping his cum from her neck. Some of it had strayed into her hair. When it was all cleaned off, Buffy pulled him back onto the desk again.

“Hold me?” she asked.

William got back on the desk with her taking his uncle’s jacket; he rolled it up into a pillow for her head. He lay on his side, pulling her against him. She nestled into his arm and closed her eyes, feeling a sense of happiness and peace such as she hadn’t felt in a very long time. The last thing she felt as she drifted off to sleep was his hand stroking her hair.



Chapter 5

Buffy was the first to awaken. Her eyes widened, as she was a little disorientated at first. The first thing she had seen upon opening her eyes was a firm, but very well formed chest. Oh, what that tweed suit had hidden, she thought as she traced the well-defined flesh of his upper arm and shoulder.

Buffy looked at her watch, the only thing she was still wearing.

“Oh shit!” she gasped.

“Wha-I will be down in a minute Rupert,” said William sleepily.

“Not Rupert, do I look like a man?” She pouted playfully as he looked at her.

“Buffy,” he smiled tenderly at her.

“We gotta move it’s only five minutes till the end of school. What were we thinking of? Falling asleep on your uncles desk wasn’t too smart,” she giggled.

Buffy hopped off the school desk, looking around on the floor for her discarded clothing. She popped her head back over the edge of the desk.

“William, have you seen my panties anywhere? I can’t find them,” she asked as she pulled on her skirt.

“I-I don’t know,” he stammered.

Buffy stood up, and started to button up her blouse. William sighed.

“Hey Will as much as I like looking at that bod of yours, don’t you think you’d better get something on?” she asked.

Buffy threw his pants at him and finished doing up her blouse.

“Do you really like my body?” he asked.

“Did it seem like I have a loathing for it?”

William pulled on his pants and reached for his shirt. They were both soon fully clothed and William was seated back at his desk.

The silence in the room was deafening, he didn’t exactly the know the protocol for this kind of situation. What did you say to the girl you’d just tit fucked?

“Okay, so no panties then. Guess I will have to be careful until I get home. Just imagine if I dropped something on the floor and had to bend over like this and pick it up,” she asked innocently as she knocked a book off the counter.

Buffy bent over to retrieve the book, her skirt rode up and she presented William with a perfect view of her perfectly trimmed bush.

William felt his cock twitch at the site of it. Damn his body, he only had to look at Buffy and he got hard. William looked away.

Buffy walked over to him and perched on his lap. She put her arms around his neck and lay her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

“I could stay like this forever, when I am with you I feel safe William,” she sighed.

“And when I am with you, I feel like a man. Something no one has ever made me feel,” he answered her truthfully.

“Yeah, but other girls must have wanted to…er… date you,”

“No, I always felt awkward around girls. People even used to say that I was gay because I couldn’t get a date,”

Buffy looked up at his face, she placed a hand on his cheek.

“You are not gay, tell me what you felt when we were together,” she asked.

“It was the most difficult, and yet the most wonderful time of my life,” he admitted.

“Why?” she pressed

William looked at her, hesitating for an instant before he continued.

“Because all I wanted to do was be inside you, feeling your heat around me,”

“Believe me you are not gay…and I should know. Let’s just say I am a newfound expert at reading the signs now,” she said bitterly.

He smiled at her, slightly bemused.

“Buffy I never said I was gay, I said people thought I was,”

“Yes, but nasty rumours can destroy a persons life,” she said angrily.

William sensed there was a lot more behind that statement than she was letting on.


They were both stunned by the ringing of the bell.

“School’s out,” she said with a false brightness that he didn’t believe for a moment.

“Gotta go William got places to be, I need to get a doctors appointment above all things,” she smiled.

“Why, are you sick?” he asked in concern.

“No silly, so we can fuck bareback like rabbits of course. I want our first time to be perfect, no barriers between us,” she replied saucily.


She silenced him with her lips. Her tongue darted into his open mouth. William kissed her back just as she broke away from him.

“Catch you tomorrow. Maybe I can punch Cordelia Chase next time and we can have the whole day together,” she joked as she unlocked the door and was gone.

William sat staring at the open door, willing his erection away. Something was troubling Buffy, he was certain of it. He just hoped what ever it was; he wasn’t being used to help her deal with it.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Buffy sat in the doctor’s waiting room. She had managed to get to see the doctor that same day, as there had been a last minute cancellation. Buffy had lied to her mom that she was going to Willow’s house for the afternoon. She was at the age of consent, but her mother wouldn’t understand. Maybe she could have gone with the…Mom I am going to the doctor’s to get a pill so I can fuck a teacher excuse, but she couldn’t see her mother saying that’s nice honey about this one.

William wasn’t a teacher though, not really, but others wouldn’t see it that way, she justified to herself.

“Miss Summers? Miss Summers!” said a voice more loudly.

“Oh, er yeah, that’s me,” said Buffy self-consciously as the receptionist glared at her.

Buffy entered the doctor’s office and closed the door.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

“Xander will you sit still, I just smudged your lipstick,” complained Willow.

Xander groaned.

“When you said I could come over for a girls night you really meant it didn’t you? And when you said movies, I thought there would at least be some girl on girl porn in the offing,”

“Yeah cos all Buffy and I do is watch girl porn and get each other off,” said Willow sarcastically.

“Hold that thought,” said Xander with a dreamy expression on his face.

“Xander you need help,” Willow laughed as she got out some hair curlers.

“No, no hair curlers! You lured me here with promises of fried snacks and entertainment. I have to get this stuff off my face before I totally lose my cred,” he said as he got off the bed.

“What cred? Okay spoilsport you can use the bathroom. I am going to get some popcorn,” said Willow as she walked off downstairs.

Willow put the popcorn in microwave and leaned against the kitchen counter. She turned around as she heard a tapping at the back door.

“Buffy!” she exclaimed as she opened the door, “You decided to show after all. Which is great cos I had to put makeup on Xander, not pretty…hey is there something wrong?” asked Willow as she noticed the expression on her friends ’s face.

Buffy looked at her.

“I just went to the doctors to get some birth control,” she admitted.

Willow looked at her shocked.

“Buffy you're not a virgin any more? You know, because we promised that when we finally had found someone special that we wanted to you er…know…”

“Fuck Willow? Jeez, I think we are old enough to use the adult words here. Besides, I am only a virgin in the technical sense. Angel is the master of how to have, as much fun in the sack without having any real sex at all. So it’s not like I am innocent, now is it? ” Asked Buffy.

“So, you’ve found a guy you want to…er…fuck. Buffy don’t you think it’s a little too soon after Angel? This has to be some sort of transitional thing,” said Willow.

“No it’s not. I met a guy yesterday; he’s great and every thing that Angel is not. Which is a good thing,” said Buffy.

“You only met him yesterday? Are you nuts?” asked Willow.

“Under normal circumstances I’d say yeah, but ever since I’ve met him all I have wanted to do is get in his pants. Which I have done twice already,” Buffy laughed at her friend’s shocked expression.

“Who is it?” asked Willow.

“That’s my little secret for now, but ask me that question in a few weeks when school is over and you might get a straight answer,” said Buffy.

“He’s not married or something is he?” asked Willow.

“No, silly, but it is kinda naughty,” Buffy sobered up and looked at her friend. “I do care about him Willow, it’s not just sex. He is so sweet and considerate…today in the lunch hall after that trouble with Harmony he was so worried about me. When we were doing stuff in his office, I begged him to fuck me there and then on his desk, even though we had no protection, but he wouldn’t. He’s a virgin too Will, though God knows why. You should see his body…”

Buffy looked at Willow, her face was white.

“Let me get this straight Buffy, are you fooling around with a teacher?” asked Willow.

“No…EW…have you seen what the teachers at Sunnydale look like lately Will? Look I have said enough, maybe a little too much, I’d better go,”

“Buffy,” Willow grabbed her arm. “Be careful,”

“Course I am careful, I’m safety girl,” said Buffy holding up her paper bag from the drugstore.

“You know what I meant,” said Willow.

Buffy hugged Willow.

“Yeah, I know what you meant,” said Buffy as she left the kitchen.

The pinging of the microwave jolted Willow out of her trance. Buffy seemed to be going off the rails, Willow’s fingers tightened round the popcorn bowl. Feeling about ready to murder Angel and Riley for what they had done to her best friend. There was no other reason for this new Buffy, the Buffy who was ready to throw away her virginity on a guy she had just met.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

William arrived home a lot later than he had intended. He had made a detour to the Sunnydale shopping mall. He had wanted to get Buffy a gift, just to show her how special she was to him. He patted the breast pocket of his suit. He had found a perfect silver necklace with a horseshoe pendant. It hadn’t been very expensive, but he somehow knew that wouldn’t matter to her.

“Little late tonight Will, is everything alright?” enquired his uncle.

“Er yeah, sorry about that Rupes. The traffic was bad,” lied William, a big smile on his face.

“Yes well you are here now. Could you make me a cup of tea? I would get it myself, but it’s such a struggle. It took me nearly half an hour to make the last one,” said Giles.

William flushed guiltily,

“No worries uncle,” he said as he disappeared into the kitchen.

He returned several minutes later with a mug of tea and some biscuits for his uncle. He placed the tray on the table and went to hand the mug to Giles. As he walked over to his uncle, his foot caught on the edge of the rug. The tea spilled onto the couch and William almost landed in his uncle’s lap. Rupert put out his arms to steady his nephew. William regained his balance and stood up.

“Sorry about that, I will get a towel to clean up the mess,”

“No need, we can use that hanky that’s poking out of your pocket to clean it up,” said Giles as he grabbed at the material.

William groaned in realisation as Giles took the “hanky” from his pocket. It was too late to stop him. His uncle was looking at him in deep shock while holding Buffy’s missing panties in his hands.

“If these are what I think they are, then you have some explaining to do William,” said his uncle.

“Er, um they’re not mine,” spluttered William.

“I should hope not, but how did they get in your pocket. My pocket actually, and why are you wearing one of my suits William?” asked Giles.

William felt a sweat break out on his brow, madly searching for a plausible excuse. He could go with the…the panties were in my jacket excuse… because I had a student on your desk this afternoon and I took them off her so I could finger fuck her…or there was the well I am wearing your suit because I came all over mine. One way or another Rupert’s workplace was getting a lot of abuse at his hands he thought wryly.

“Okay, uncle, I guess I owe you the truth…” he begun.

* * * * * * * * *

Buffy sat alone in her room, looking at the little packet of pills that would change her life forever, but she wasn’t scared, even with Willows concerns still ringing in her ears. She was of age now, for too long she had been doing what every one expected of her. It was time to be doing something for her, and for William she grinned. She took the little pill in her mouth and swallowed it down.

“Watch out William Giles. In a few days your ass is mine, along with all your other bodily parts,” she smiled to herself.


