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Skateland-This is an alternate universe fiction. The guys go to a skating rank....some are with who they want....some still need to find their way. Has a tad drama and comedy. (Complete and has some language)

Human Behavior by Rachel-(This is an Alternate Universe slash fanfiction!) Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Joey Fatone, Lance Bass, and Christina Aguilera are seniors in highschool and bestfriends, known as the Fab Five. Chris Kirkpatrick is a teacher and JC Chasez is his "partner." Justin discovers something about himself that will affect the rest of his life, can he deal with it? Will his friends and family be there for him? Or, will he be left on his own?(Complete and contains STRONG language, drinking and drug use. Guys from BSB and 98 Degrees also make appearences.)

Grace Series by Tina and Danielle-This is a triology series. This is a story about two friends that are the mercy of the hands of a crazy woman. Through it they discover love. What happens when their friends and family find out about them? Will they be able to keep their love alive, or are the obstacles too big?(*This is an ORIGINAL storyline plot, you probably haven't read ANYTHING like it!*)(Strong language and male/male and female/female sexual content. First two stories COMPLETE, third story IN PROGRESS.)

Undercover by Willa-(This is an Alternate Universe fanfiction.) Undercover cops Chris and JC are flown into Orlando, Flordia from Pittsburgh to help undercover cops Lance, Joey, and Justin crack a case. For five years girls have been taken and never heard from again. Can they crack the case without butting heads all the time? What will they do when one of them is taken, can they find him in time? Will they be able to handle it when they find out who is guilty?(Complete and contains STRONG language. Kevin Richardson, Nick Carter, Jeff Timmons, Brian Littrell, Britney Spears, Christina and Wade Robinson also make appearences.)

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