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Written for Werewindle

Challenge # 1 “Hungry Like the Wolf” for windles_orbit

Title: Prey

Author: spikeNdru

Fandom: Angel

Pairing: Spike/Angel

Rating: PG-13?


Spike stalks—silently hunting his prey; burning hunger a white-hot flame heating his blood.

Angel strides through the dark as if he were the hunter, and not the hunted. He stops—sniffs the air, preternatural senses picking up the faint scent of tantalizing familiarity. A rush of revelers spills from the newest in-club; the brief scent is lost in the crowd.

But Angel knows—has always known—who hunts him. Lithe, hard body, soft lips, hungry mouth . . .

He can feel Spike's hunger, but can't discern if tonight it's for fucking or fighting.

Maybe he'll wait—and find out.




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