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Short Stories (under 3,000 words)



Researching Booth

A "Bones" Fic (PG)

My first foray into the Bones fandom - A little bit of Angela/Booth written for a friend's birthday.



Halloween on the Hellmouth

BtVS Season 2 (PG)

How did Ethan disappear after the Halloween costume caper? He may have had some help . . .


The Cowboy and the Lady                  

AtS Season 2 (NC-17/FRAO)

Written for the hallows_eve_fic Lindsey-thon.  It's Halloween at Wolfram and Hart and Lindsey gets a bit of Trick-or-Treat from the woman who knows how to play him like a cello.



AtS Season 3 (PG-13)

Written for A Darker Angel Halloween Challenge: Scary.  What terrifies The Scourge of Europe?  This fic addresses Angel's deepest fears.


Oh god, oh god, we're all gonna die!

BtVS Season 7  (FR15) Contains non-explicit M/M Slash.

What was Andrew doing during the night between End of Days and Chosen?  Here is a possible answer, from Andrew's POV.


The Search


BtVS/AtS: Autumn 2002 (PG)

Genfic.  Written for the Nevermet Challenge, the request was for Giles to know who Connor is.  Timeline: The story begins in the autumn of 2002, (BtVS S7, AtS S4) while Giles is still traveling the world searching for potential slayers.



The Circus is Coming! (And so are Spike and Angel)  Nominee

A bit of silliness, AU, PG-13

Written for my friend who had requested "an AU circus fic, where Xander is a mime and Spike a candy floss seller with Angel the studly lion tamer, and Buffy can inexplicably be a cheerleader and Willow can read palms, and Giles can be the Ringmaster and Oz can be a strongman, a really teeny strongman, and it would be exactly the same as the TV programme, except nothing like it. Maybe Spike could sneak out at night and suck the candy floss dry of artificial colouring, that would make it work."



100 word drabble


The Return of Faith (PG-13)

Late Season 5 AtS, per a request for Faith to meet Illyria

Willow senses the need for a Slayer in LA, so Faith visits to help out.


A Series of short fics of love, loss, and loneliness in the Jossverse.

Part One: Xander (PG)


Part Two: Riley (PG)


Part Three: Wesley (PG)


Part Four: Anya (PG-13)


Part Five: Spike (R)    

  BedTime Story Awards


Watchers Unanimous 


BtVS/Highlander Crossover

BtVS early season 4 (PG)

Giles goes on a road trip and makes a new friend.  My very first fic!




Interlude in the Closet


BtVS Season 2 (PG)

Short (390 words) fluffy fic with a twist.




The Road Not Taken


BtVS Season 6, Post-As You were (PG)

100 word drabble




Male Bonding 


That's bonding, not bondage!  Male "Buddy-fic"---no slash.

BtVS/AtS Crossover (PG)

Angel gets all the girls, and two former suitors want to change that.




 Reality TV Bites 


 AtS Season 5 (PG)

 What was Wolfram and Hart's real plan for Team Angel when they gave them the LA branch?

 This ficlet presents a possible snarky answer.




Home is Where the Heart Is


post-Chosen, post-Home (PG)

Andrew makes a new friend.




Movie Madness


Humor, post-Home (PG-13)

Lilah's dead, and not at all happy about it.







Angel's first day as a human.



Conversation at the 8-Ball Bar and Grill

The events of BtVS/AtS as viewed through the lens of the 'Trailer (FR-15 for language)

Okay, imagine that all the characters in BtVS/AtS live in a trailer park called Buena Vista Estates, or when 

really down on their luck, White Pines.  The characters in the Park go by the name of the actors to differentiate from the characters' names on BtVS/AtS.  There is absolutely NO intention to imply that the "Dave" who lives in the Park bears any resemblance whatsoever to the actor, David Boreanaz.  "Dave" is a character in the same way that "Angel" is a character.  Neither "Dave" nor "Angel" are in any way representative of the actor, Mr. Boreanaz.  Got it?  Okay, welcome to the Trailer Park.




The Perfect Shirt

Cracktrailer RPS Schmoop (R)

The characters of Chris and Dave are characters, as much as the characters of Angel and Lindsey are characters.  No infringement on Mr. Boreanaz's or Mr. Kane's actual lives is intended, and no actual relationship between the actors is implied.




 Fiction also archived at Insane in the Basement.  Love good humorous fanfiction?  Check out The Basement.




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For Crazydiamondsue