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Interlude in the Closet


By spikeNdru, December 2003


This interlude takes place during BtVS, Season 2, PG, 390 words


Disclaimer:  Joss imagined, ME created, Fox owns, I but borrowed. . .


For Lena and Nikki






Cordelia gasped and came up for air.  Her heart was pounding so loudly she couldn’t hear what was going on beyond the confines of the broom closet and she desperately needed to know what was happening.  What was she doing, skulking around making out in closets?  She was Cordelia Chase, Queen C, the most popular girl at Sunnydale High!  What on earth had caused her to lower herself to macking on such a loser?  It was tawdry!  It was ridiculous!  It was demeaning!  It was . . . damn good kissage.  Cordelia shrugged, and threw herself back into the passion of the moment.


Much later, she was again capable of coherent thought; and every one of those thoughts was telling her to end this now!  If anyone found out . . . well, that would just be too dire to imagine.  No way was she going to jeopardize her status, her reputation, everything that made life worth living for some stolen moments of sparkage. She was in control, not her rampaging hormones!  She held her breath, listening, and didn’t hear a sound.  Raising her hand, she made a *shushing* motion and cracked open the door of the broom closet.  The hallway was dark and still; the whole school was darkit must be really late! 


With only the weak illumination of the *EXIT* sign to guide her, Cordy crept out of the closet and down the hall.  Seeing no one, she picked up her pace until she was almost running.  Slamming the bar of the fire exit door, she ran through the dark parking lot toward her little red convertible.  Her hands were shaking so badly, she could barely get the key in the lock.  When the lock finally turned over, she wrenched open the door and threw herself into the driver’s seat.  Not bothering with the seatbelt, she cranked the ignition and roared out of the parking lot.


Back in the broom closet, Willow timidly peered out into the darkened hallway.


“Um, Cordy?  Are you there?  Hello?  Is Spike gone?”  She sighed.  “Guess I’m all alone here . . . and I think I’m kinda gay!”



                                                                       The End





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