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The Road Not Taken


By spikeNdru, May 8, 2004


100 word vignette.  I wanted to see if I could write exactly 100 words.


Post-As You Were




Coming back to Sunnydale had been a mistake.  He knew that now.  He should have left well enough alone.


Riley rested his head against the high seat back and closed his eyes.  The thwmp-thwmp-thwmp pf the helicopter blades seemed to match the rhythm of his heart.  He felt Sam’s fingers twine with his, and he squeezed back, picturing a different hand caressing his.


He was happy with Sam. . . he was!  As long as he stayed out of Sunnyhell, he could ignore these tumultuous feelings churning inside.


Damn Spike!  He should have staked him when he had the chance!









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