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2004 Fan Vid Recommendations


2005 Fan Vid Recommendations



Sword and Stake 2006 Vid Recs

It has taken me over a year to collect these vids and to decide upon recommendations.  While putting this page together, I noticed that some of the vids are no longer available at the URLs where I picked them up.  If anyone has a problem downloading any of these vids, e-mail me.


Warning:  Due to the ephemeral nature of sites on the web, some of these videos may no longer be available at the listed URL.

Angel: The Theories (AtS Ensemble)

By: Stolen Childe

I've Got a Theory” from Once More With Feeling as it applies to the Angel crew.

Vid can be found at:


Backstreet (Ensemble)

By: Morgan

A humorous look at which Jossverse characters might just be a little bit gay.

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down to #2)




Firefly (Ensemble)

By: Girlpire

A humorous vid that showcases Mal, guns and the Firefly Ensemble. This vid reminds me why I loved that show so much!

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)


Bawitaba (Ensemble)

By: Whoisnorml? and Wendy Lou Who

Kick ass action vid featuring a BtVS ensemble.

Vid can be found at:


Behind Blue Eyes (Lindsey)

By: Aimee

Lindsey character study.

Vid can be found at:

Bitch (Faith)

By: elizafan 568

The many sides of Faith, as described by Meredith Brooks.

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)


Black Coat (B/A, B/S)

By: Charmax

Buffy seems to have a thing for men in long black coats.

Vid can be found at:


Black Black Heart (Spike)

By: DualbunnyCharacter study of Spike - and his coat.

Vid can be found at:



Blood/Lust (Angel/Lindsey)

By: Gwyneth

The complicated (and lustful) relationship between Angel and Lindsey. One of my three favorite Lindsey/Angel vids.

Vid can be found at:  (You must e-mail and request a password)


Bob the Builder, Part II (Xander)

By: Out of Mud

Lovely, creative vid of Xander the Builder.

Vid can be found at:  (Click on “videos” and scroll to the bottom)


Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Angel)

By: Sassy Kitten

Angel walks alone. Occasionally, he finds someone who understands and walks beside him for a little while. But, in the end, he walks alone.

Vid can be found at:  (Go to Angel Vids and scroll down)

Broken Glass (Darla/Angel)

By: Astarte

Angel and Darla have a long history together that encompasses a world of feelings.

Vid can be found at:  (Streaming video)


Call Return (Spike/Giles)

By: Morgan

Superbly constructed Spike/Giles vid. Their romance isn't going well, so Giles goes back to England, but neither can get the other out of his mind.

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down to #3)


Chocolate (Spike)

By: Happy Me

Lovely vid encompassing Spike's life, unlife and his most important relationships.

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)

Christmas Hats (Ensemble)

By: Charmax

Fun vid about all the terrible hats worn on BtVS.

Vid can be found at:


Coin Operated Boy (Buffy/Riley, Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Spike)

By: SD Wolfpup

Absolutely perfect vid mix of visuals and music. Buffy wants a controllable, plastic boy-toy that won't cause her pain and suffering. She thinks she's found that in Riley, but she can't get Angel out of her mind. And then there is Spike. Highly recommended.

Vid can be found at:


Cool Rider

Veronica Mars (Logan/Weevil)

By: Dualbunny

Logan loses all interest in Duncan when he sees Weevil and his cool motorcycle. Now all he wants is a cool rider. How can he let Weevil know he's interested? Flirtatious looks and violence, of course. Like Spike and Angel, they beat each other up a lot.

Vid can be found at:

Crush on James Marsters

By: Spikeylover

A humorous fan tribute to James Marsters.

Vid can be found at:


Look at Me/Devil in Blue (Illyria)

By: Spikeylover

Everyone thought they knew sweet Fred, until suddenly she became—Illyria!

Vid can be found at:



Does This Make Me Look Gay? (Spike/Xander)

By: Crazy Diamond Sue

Wonderful, humorous Spander vid.

Vid can be found at: 


Fallin' (Angel/Cordelia)

By: Damn Skippy

A hot, romantic vid celebrating the relationship between Angel and Cordelia.

Vid can be found at:


Fool for Love (Spike/Angel)

By: Stolen Childe

Spangel vid set to Elvis' Falling in Love With You. Okay, I've always had a thing for this song.

Vid can be found at:



ST:TNG (Q/Picard)

By: S D Wolfpup

I love this vid! The irrepressible Q and the serious, controlled Picard in lighthearted slashy goodness.  Highly recommended.

Vid can be found at:


Gangster's Paradise (Faith)

By: Morgaine

Rogue Faith vid. I know they played this song in AtS Double or Nothing, but IMO, it's much more appropriate to Faith than to Gunn.

Vid can be found at:


Ghost 768 (Giles/Ethan, Buffy/Faith)

By: Mad Poetess

Lovely images, great song—and one of my favorite Giles/Ethan vids. The Buffy/Faith section is also very well done, although I picked it up for the Giles/Ethan parts.

Vid can be found at:


Ghost of the Rose (Spike/Dru)

By: Spikeylover

Beautiful, sad Spike and Dru vid, and there don't seem to be a lot of new Spike/Dru vids out there, since a lot of the focus has shifted to Spuffy and Spangel. But this one is well worth your time. God, I miss Spike and Dru!

Vid can be found at:


Gimme Shelter (AtS S4)

By: Gweneth

Interesting vid of Season Four—condensed into four and a half minutes. It's got Gwen, the Beast, Faith, Lilah and hot, scruffy Wes keeping Justine in a closet with a bucket—what more do you need?

Vid can be found at:   (You must e-mail and request a password)


Gotta Be (Ensemble)

By: Wolfling

The Buffy and Angel casts being bad, bold, wiser, hard, tough, stronger, cool, calm and stayin' together. Great ensemble piece.

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)


GraduateRS (BtVS Ensemble)

By: corn_child

High School on the Hellmouth! A look at the first three seasons of BtVS. Everybody is just trying to make it to graduation alive and reasonably intact.

Vid can be found at:


Gravity of Love (Fred/Wesley)

By: Robert Flannigan

The doomed love of Fred and Wesley. Just when they finally find each other, they're torn apart. (Of course, they are—it's Joss, who seems to be allergic to lasting relationships. Hmm, I wonder how Kai feels about that? Okay, off topic.) Wesley not only loses Fred, he's stuck with Illyria in her stead.

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)


Happy Together (Spike/Angel)

By: Jr. Miss Tough Chick

Joss and the AtS writers finally found the right girl for Angel . . . Spike. A humorous look at Spangel.

Vid can be found at:

Hero (Hercules)

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys

By: Mary Crawford

Even if you've never watched Hercules, you'll get a kick out of this vid. The Widow Twanky (a separate character, but played by Iolaus in drag) has a thing for Herc. Wonderful, funny, well-done vid. It always makes me smile whenever I watch it!

Vid can be found at:


Hero (Buffy/Angel-Buffy/Spike)

By: Holly Gilmore

Buffy's holding out for a hero—she has two of them in Angel and Spike, both of whom are “larger than life”.

Vid can be found at:  (scroll down the page)



Hero (Spike/Andrew)

By: Spikeylover

I love Andrew! It's pretty obvious he has a crush on Spike, and this is really the perfect Spandrew vid. All three of the Hero vids recommended are so different that one can enjoy them all without any real overlap.

Vid can be found at:



House of Aurelius (Fanged Four)

By: Spikeylover

Historical vid chronicling the House of Aurelius, 1609-2000.

Vid can be found at:


I Am (Angel)

By: Aimee

I am, out on my own. Moving in shadows, nobody knows who I am.” Angel character study.

Vid can be found at:


I Can Change (Spike)

By: Nicole Anell

Humorous Spike character study by way of South Park.

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)


I Got You Babe (Spike/Angel)

By: Spikeylover

Terrific Spangel vid! Those two really are perfect for each other—if they don't drive each other crazy first!

Vid can be found at:


I Touch Myself (Spike/Buffy - Pop-up video)

By: JS & AAR

One of my favorite vids of all time! Remember pop-up videos? The technique is used to excellent effect here. This is a wonderful vid! Highly recommended.

Vid can be found at:


In Repair

Firefly (River)

By: Nicole Anell

River appears fragile, but has a core of inner strength. She's constantly in repair. Lovely character study.

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)



Inspector Gadget (Wesley)

By: Beasley, Jr.

Wesley as Inspector Gadget, with all his weird weapons, gadgets . . . and let's not forget, klutziness. Very funny, short vid.

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)


It's Raining Men

Harry Potter (Ensemble)

By: Big Mama G

Humorous Harry Potter vid describing the attributes of the various men/boys in the Potter universe. This vid uses clips from all four movies, and seeing how really young Harry, Ron and Draco were in the first movie, in comparison to later movies, is a hoot. Plus, any vid that has Fred and George in it is fine by me!

Vid can be found at:


Johnny (Drusilla/Andrew)

By: Kit Kat

Spike and Dru have split up, so she turns to . . . Andrew? Dru wants him, so she sires him to be her new companion/lover, but then Dru notices that there seems to be a problem and she has some real questions about his sexuality. A Dru/drew vid! How cool is that? Hee!

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down to #2)


Just Like You

Highlander (Methos/Duncan)

By: Luminosity

Duncan is the “church of love” and suddenly Methos is feeling holy. Methos has a thing for Duncan, and he's got it bad!

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)


Kiss (Ensemble)

By: Girlpire

Kissage in the Jossverse! Includes all the permutations of kissing on BtVS and AtS.

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)


Killer in Me (Spike and slayers)

By: Spikeylover

Spike's symbiosis with five different slayers through the years. Vampires and slayers aren't as different as some would think—only their choice of prey differs. “The killer in me is the killer in you.” Lush, well-made vid. Highly recommended.

Vid can be found at:


Lame/Soul Having (Spike)

By: Holly Gilmore

A vampire with a soul? How lame is that!” A humorous look at Spike and his soul. I love this vid!

Vid can be found at:   (scroll down)



Lawyers in Love (Ensemble)

By: Crazy Diamond Sue

Episodic vid of Habeas Corpses.  When it comes to AtS Season 4 (sort of like BtVS Season 7) it seems you either love it or hate it.  I happen to be one who loves Season 4! 

Vid can be found at: 


Life Less Ordinary (Spike/Dru)

By: Jr. Miss Tough Chick

William had an ordinary life in Victorian England, until Drusilla appeared and offered him a life less ordinary. When she 'shook the bones of him' his whole life changed and now Spike and Dru have an extraordinary unlife.

Vid can be found at:


Lucky (Spike/Buffy)

By: Spikeylover

We Are the Lucky Ones always seemed to me to be such a perfect Spike/Buffy song. It made me crazy when they wasted it on Poophead Parker in The Harsh Light of Day. Now Spikeylover has made it all better by using it in a lovely Spuffy vid.

Vid can be found at: 


Man or Animal?[2] (Xander, Oz, Angel & Spike)

By: Brad   Warning: Contains variable flash, not recommended for persons with epilepsy or ocular migraines. 

Cool vid featuring vampires Spike and Angel, hyena Xander, werewolf Oz, and how the men involved (and the women they love) cope with their animalistic sides.

Vid can be found at: 


Measure of a Man (Ensemble)

By: Wolfling

How many guys can you slash in one video? This vid pretty much has it all. Spike/Xander, Doyle/Angel, Wes/Angel, Giles/Ethan and Wes/Gunn all measure up. Did I mention Clay Aiken?

Vid can be found at:   (Scroll down)


Mr. Brightside (Spike & Angel)

By: Luminosity

Angel is jealous of Spike. Whatever Angel thinks he has—Buffy, destiny, shanshu, etc.—Spike is right on his heels taking over. Poor jealous Angel.

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)


Never Leave Me (Spike and the women in his life)

By: Spikeylover

What makes Spike the uniquely fascinating character he is? In a large part, it's due to his relationships with the women in his life.

Vid can be found at:


Nobody Does It Better (Joss Tribute)


An affectionate tribute to Joss Whedon. Will somebody please give this man a new show? Especially as some people are just not fans of comic books?

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)


Once Upon a Time (Spike & Angel)

By: Spikeylover

Spike and Angel reflect on their similarities and differences, and their regrets, in their long lives as vampires.

Vid can be found at: 


One Step Closer (Connor)

By: Aimee

I cannot take this any more . . . Everything you say to me takes me one step closer to the edge—and I'm about to break!” This may be the definitive S4 Connor vid. Excellent character study and lots of action. Connor (before he was Dawned into a normal life) makes my heart hurt for him. Vincent Kartheiser does a great job of making what could have been an essentially unlikeable character sympathetic.

Vid can be found at:


One of Us  (Glory/Ben)

By: Emily Waldon

This has got to be the perfect Glory vid! “What if God was one of us . . . just tryin' to make his way home?” Plus, there's that cool Glory/Ben morphing. I love this vid!

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)


Peacekeeper (Buffy)

By: Sisabet

Buffy as the ultimate peacekeeper of the world. She gave her life twice and she still isn't finished as she goes up against The First Evil. “When the night is cold and still, when you thought you've had your fill, take all the time you will, this is not a test, it's not a drill; take no prisoners—only kill.” She saved the world a lot.

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)


Releasing the Demons (Angel)

By: Wendy Lou Who and Brainhiccup

Well done Angel/Angelus character study.

Vid can be found at:


Return to Oz (Giles, Buffy, Willow)

By: Wolfling and Magpie

Once there was a man who had a little too much time on his hands. He never stopped to think that he was getting older...”  Wonderful Giles character study and his complicated, yet defining, relationships with Buffy and Willow.

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)


Rockstar (Angel vs. Lilah and Lindsey)

By: Sassy Kitten

Lilah and Lindsey have it good at Wolfram and Hart—their careers are on the fast-track and their pesky souls don't seem to bother them while working for Evil, Inc. They're the rock stars of the corporate world. Until Angel shows up and thwarts them at every opportunity. Who's the real rock star? The last one standing!

Vid can be found at:  (Go to Angel Vids and scroll down)


Runaway (Cordy/Angel)

By: Stolen Childe

Cordy and Angel just can't seem to catch a break. Their timing is always off. He's waiting—she's running.  And running.  Run, Lola Cordy, Run!

Vid can be found at:


Saving Me

Bones (Booth/Brennan)

By: Alana-K

Remember the goofy Angel-dance? David Boreanaz does it again here! [Which sort of makes me wonder if that's the way DB actually dances! : ) ] Plus, Booth has a thing for pudding. And the always cool Jayne Cobb Marcus Hamilton Adam Baldwin is in this vid—he makes a great foil for DB. Tempe kicks ass, Booth gets blown up, and did I mention the pudding? Great vid based on the Bones ep “Two Bodies in the Lab”.

Vid can be found at:  (Streaming video)



Scooby Hair (Ensemble)

By: Elcazavampiros

A wonderful, humorous look at the various hairstyles (some more successful than others!) on BtVS and AtS.

Vid can be found at:


Stray Cat Strut (Spike)

By: Spikeylover

Spike with his stray cat strut and panther crawl. R-r-r-rawr. No need to say more.

Vid can be found at:

Struggle (Lindsey/Angel)

By: Luminosity

One of my top three favorite Lindsey/Angel vids, along with Sisabet's Last Stand in Open Country and Gweneth's Blood/Lust.

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)



Superman (Spike)

By: Spikeylover

Spike character study. And this vid includes the adorable clip of Spike rescuing the baby. I love it when the baby lets Spike know, in no uncertain terms, that he does NOT want to be left with the Fell Brotherhood. Awww.

Vid can be found at:


The Last Time

Highlander (Methos/Kronos, Methos/Duncan)

By: Luminosity

Sort of a Methos character study, but—okay—there may be some slashy Methos/Kronos and Methos/Duncan overtones. Gorgeous guys with big . . . swords. What did you expect? Oh, who am I kidding? Forget the overtones. It's a slashy vid. But Methos is the main character, so there!

Vid can be found at:


Tomb Waiting

Tomb Raider (Lara Croft)

By: Stormwolfe

Lara Croft action vid/character study. Three and a half minutes of Angelina Jolie. You know you want to watch it!

Vid can be found at:   (Scroll down in box marked “Clips” to section marked “Others”. [I had a heck of a time finding this clip again, as the address changed. I had to go to, wait 15 seconds, got sent to a new site, clicked on “clips” got a password pop-up, x'ed out of that and finally got to the “vid can be found at” URL.] While there, you might as well pick up some other of Stormwolfe's vids; you may never find the site again!  *g*)


Two Princes (Ensemble)

By: Cybermintz

Cybermintz has a wonderful sense of humor, as you've probably noticed if you've picked up any other of her vids I recommended. She does it again here. Buffy has two princes in love with her—and a guy with a princely racket involving a certain jacket.

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)


Vampire (Ensemble of Vampires)

By: Sassy Kitten
Baby get ready, I'm comin' for you; I'm a vampire” All our favorite vampires, doing what they do best.

Vid can be found at:   (Go to Buffy Vids and scroll down)


Walking Zero (Gwen)

By: Dualbunny

AtS Ground State vid, featuring Electra-Gwen. Oh, yeah. See, I don't just rec vids with hot guys in them—I've included recs featuring the very hot Faith, Gwen and Lara Croft!

Vid can be found at:   (Scroll down)



What If? (Lindsey-Angel and Ensemble)

By: Tami Brandt

Wolfram and Hart does stuff to everyone. Where do the lines get drawn? And when you join with them, how do you come back?

Vid can be found at:  (Scroll down)

What's My Age Again? (Ensemble)

By: Holly Gilmore

The BtVS and AtS crews in their most charmingly goofy moments. It's pretty much impossible to watch this vid and not smile.

Vid can be found at:   (Scroll down)



You're a Mean One, Mister Snape

Harry Potter (Severus Snape)

By: Big Mama G

Snape as the Grinch—you gotta love it!

Vid can be found at:


Your Woman (Spike/Angel)

By: Charmax

Wonderful, well-done Spangel vid.

Vid can be found at:




Vids I wanted to rec, but could no longer find the site.  (And I have spent weeks looking!) Some sites were gone, some of these vids may have been retired or the vidder may have left the fandom.  If I come across the URLs,I will update.  If anyone knows where they can be found, e-mail me.



Alone Now (Spike/Buffy)

By: Xandra

Blaze of Glory (Spike)

By: Jules

Clocks (Spike/Angel)

By: Evil Manic Laugh

Cry Little Sister (The First vs the Slayers)

By: Xandra

Dark Mother (Darla & Dru)

By: Charmax

Don't Let Me Get Me (Xander)

By: Xandra

Evil (Angelus)

By: Charmax

Good Riddance (Angelus)

By: Stolen Childe

Ignored2 (Spike-Angel)

By: Joey-Anya

My World (Cordy)

By: Cat

Lose Yourself (Angel)

By: Xandra

Lucifer Rising(v2) (Angelus)

By: Aurelius

Time of Your Life (BtVs Ensemble)

By: Ryan

Under the Bridge (Angel)

By: Ryan








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