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Miscellaneous Photos


July 29, 2011--Our Cake out the cookout at the Dion's home

July 29, 2011 cookout at Dion's--back row: Mike Gilbert, Brent Whitcomb, Dennis Roberts, Harper Mitchell, Bob Spaulding, Neil Shannon. Middle row: Pat Taylor, Michele Welch Guyette, Cheryl Wilmott Zanleoni, Kathy Dever, David Brown, Barry Wood. Front row: Ray Morin, Paula Carpetner Burnett, Gary Perusse, Elisabdeth Nicolino Dion, Armand Dion.

July 30, 2011--our float in the parade--On the truck: Dennis Roberts, Cheryl Wilmott Zanleoni, Ray Morin, Barry Wood, Kay Inglis Ashton, Mike Taylor. On the ground: David Brown, Harper Mitchell, Graham Bresette, Mike Gilbert, Pat Taylor, Steve MacKenzie, Bob "Toad" Spaulding, George Wild, Marilyn Tayor Reynolds, Armand Dion, Ron Putney.