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Wheel of Time

This is the Wheel of Time section of my page. Take a look around and tell me what you think...

Lews Therin Telamon

Character Bios

The Eye of the World

The Eye of the World is the first book in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. It starts off by introducing Rand al'Thor, a young sheepherder. Other characters come in like Matrim Cauthon (Mat for short), Perrin Aybera, Egwene al'Vere, Nynaeve al'Meara, and a few more. They meet a strange woman and her companion, Moriane and Lan. After an attack by trollocs, the characters learn that Moriane is an Aes Sedai and Lan is her Warder. The characters get caught up with the Aes Sedai and soon find themselves on an adventure of a lifetime, but they soon learn what an adventure really is....

The Great Hunt

The Great Hunt, the second book in the Wheel of Time series. The story begins in Shienar near the Blight. Rand al'Thor has learned he can channel saidin, the male half of the True Source. Saidin was tainted by the Dark One in the Age of Legends when he struck back against the Dragon, Lews Therin Telamon. Now men that wield saidin go mad because of the taint. Soon Rand learns that he is the Dragon Reborn, the only hope for mankind against the Dark One when he breaks free.

The Dragon Reborn

The Dragon Reborn is the third book in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. With the help of Moriane Sedai, Rand al'Thor has proclaimed himself the Dragon Reborn, the man to save the world. His usage of the One Power is very limited at this point in his journey. He must learn to control it before it controls him. Rand decides to embark on his own, to learn if he is the real Dragon Reborn, or just another False Dragon. His journies point him towards Tear, a city fabled for never falling to an invading army. Inside the huge fortress rests the Callandor, the Sword that is not a Sword. The Sword that Cannot Be Touched can only be drawn by the true Dragon Reborn.

The Shadow Rising

Rand al'Thor has finally learned the truth about himself. He is the true Dragon Reborn, fated to fight the Dark One in Tarmon Gai'don. He learns from a mysterious doorway ter'angreal that he must travel with the Aiel, a fierce people of the Aiel Waste, to their homeland. There he must prove to them that he is who the Aiel call "He Who Comes With the Dawn". Matrim Cauthon travels with him into Rhuiden, the only city in the Aiel Waste, where only Aiel men are supposed to go who are to become chiefs, and Aiel woman who are to become Wise Ones. Perrin, however, returns the their home of Emond's Field, where Whiteclaoks have started to take over. Perrin needs to take care of the threat of Whitecloaks, but then something worse happens. Trollocs invade the Two Rivers.

The Fires of Heaven

In the Fires of Heaven Rand has proclaimed himself as He Who Comes with the Dawn. But some of the Aiel clans do not believe that Rand is the true chief of chiefs, and they rebel. But Rand has also gotten help from one of the male Forsaken, Asmodean. Now Rand has learned to control saidin as best he can. Rand begins to travel out of the Aiel Waste, but when they arrive at Cairhien they meet up with the rebel group of Aiel, the Shaido. On the other side of the continent, Elaine Trakand, Daughter Heir of Andor, and Nynaeve al'Meara, Wisdom of Emond's Field, have just escaped from the Black Ajah and worse, a female Forsaken, Moghedian. Now they must get away from them as best they can, and find the rebel group of Aes Sedai to give them one of the seals to the Dark One's prison.

The Lord of Chaos

On a personal note I think that the Lord of Chaos was the best book in the Wheel of Time series so far. It definately had the best storyline to it and the most action. The Lord of Chaos starts after Rand has taken over Caemlyn after attacking the Lord Gabriel, also known as the Forsaken, Raven. He proclaims an amnesty that any man who knows he can channel or wants to learn to come to him. Mazrim Taim, a one-time False Dragon has come to Rand after the amnesty was proclaimed, and offered to teach the students. But is Taim more than what he seems? Moraine Damodred is dead after fighting Lanfear, the most powerful female Forsaken. Nynaeve has captured her nemisis, Moghedian, and is using her to learn new things about the One Power that had been lost in the Age of Legends long ago.

A Crown of Swords

A Crown of Swords was probably my least favorite book. An endless summer has taken control of the world, and the only possible way to get rid of it is to use the Bowl of Winds, a ter'angreal that is found somewhere in Ebu Dar. Mat, Elaine, Nynaeve, Birgitta, and Avienda journey there in hopes of finding it. Rand has just been freed with the help of Perrin from a group of Aes Sedai who kidnapped him. They had wanted to bring him to the White Tower in Tar Valon to hopefully keep him under control until the last battle. Rand, without the guidance of Moriane, has trouble deciding who to trust, and being bonded against his own free will does not help much either. This is the last book in the series so far, but the newest will be out in November. Hopefully it will be better than this one...

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